Fat women on /r/amitheasshole scramble to downvote facts and explain why BMI is el problematico

1  2020-05-17 by ANAL_McDICK_RAPE


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Corona can't kill fatties fast enough

Intense seething going on there. Holy shit

Yikes, OP! Who hurt you, incel? Why are you so afraid of strong, independent women?

These fatties are coping hard, I'm 6'0 and weigh in at 150 lb and I play basketball, no excuse for that fatcel


you're the faggot that has been asking for pics around this sub, post phyisique.

Alright, here it is. Listen up you absolutely filthy degenerate. I am unblocking you after months (nearly a year) to say this only and only once so that the people who are upvoting your filth know exactly who you are and what you do. For months you have been hounding my comments in an attempt to elicit a response from me, you have made multiple accounts confessing your 'love' for me. Sent me countless number of private messages inviting me to fuck you. You have tailed my comments asking me if I would like to have a 'bang bang' coffee with you and discussed with other redditors if they'd like to watch as you fuck me. I have witnessed the change in your comment strategy to siding by me to gain brownie points to posting absolute trash so that I give up and respond to your bullshit.


  1. Fat women on /r/amitheasshole scram... - archive.org, archive.today

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Feelings don't care about your facts

Das rite

intense fattoid cope

someone who is 6% body fat can still be over BMI therefore BMI is useless

I see you argue x, but see how x doesn’t work for y? Checkmate bigot

BMI is a good measure for women unless they're roided to the gills in which case they should contact me, preferably with pictures of their clitdicks uwu


On what

Last of Us 2

Gaymer scum


and bmi doesn’t work for men at all. it tells them they’re underweight when they’re actually at a normal weight

i think ur just underweight bro

im not but your username is very true!


They can’t cope harder it’s not even hard to fix the issue at hand they just don’t wanna

The levels of cope are infuriating, but at least this is a self-correcting problem

Cardiac arrest at 30 moment

“Sure she may be like 50 pounds overweight and is susceptible to corona virus and can’t walk up a flight of stairs without hyperventilating and smells like shit but that in no way implies fat people aren’t healthy sweaty xo”

Bully fat people early and often

I made the original comment on that post, but I'm here to tell you to fuck off about bullying fat people.

That ain't right, man. Offer guidance. Offer help.

Not sure if you're being edgy for the sake of being edgy, but I hope you don't do this shit.

Bullying is always beneficial.

Fats are literally killing the planet.


For the sake of the climate they must be stopped. Or are you some kind of shill for Big Oil or something? You work for Exxon, bro? Some kind of Republican Nazi MAGA chud, eh? Don't believe climate change is real and don't care about saving the environment, is that it? You wanna burn down the Amazon?

You can't be an environmentalist without hating fat people.

Best way to bully fat people is to get ripped to the point they are self conscious in your presence 😎


I used to be 15 pounds overweight and I felt disgusting, I always made that noise that grandpas do when they get up after they’d been sitting down. I realized how gross I was, I was so out of shape I couldn’t even jog any where without hyperventilating. Fat is not healthy, it never is.

I wish I was bullied for being fat so I’d have lost it earlier. Bullying fat people saves lives. Hundreds of thousands die every year from fat related diseases, it’s not to late to save a fat kid today by calling him a ham beast.

how much do you weigh now


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I think it's just your word usage my man. There's a difference between being honest and respectful when discussing inconvenient truths and the concept of bullying.

Hate burns calories 🥰

Fatties are coddled too much. They should thank the bullies

i didnt workout for months just to not dunk on fatties

I was a fat little 13 year old and it took till I was 17 years old and makin my own paper to start hittin the 6gym. I wish someone wouldve pointed a gun at 13yo me and told him to stop bein such a fat cunt.

This foid is almost the same weight as me and I'm 6'4 😂😂😂😂 fuck this gay universe


I have a low bf and do sports a lot I swear it's not that bad I'm only 16 (175lbs)

Pretty big difference between 155 and 175 though.

If you lost 20 pounds you'd look like a creature.

I used to weight 160lbs like half a year back while still being the same height tho 🤣🤣

Bruh you were 15 and a half at that time. You're still growing and shit.

If you were a 23 year old man at 6'4 and only weighed 160 then there would be a problem.

Thanks bro I hope to be at least 200 pounds mostly muscle when I grow up. It still boggles my mind that some people in America think that a woman having the same weight as a kid who's 14 inches taller than her is normal lol

If you're not 450 pounds of pure muscle by the time you're 21 I'm literally going to drag a locker over to your house and shove you into it.

prove your not a massive fucking autist loser by gettig drafted into the NBA or the NFL then retard

I do martial arts

why would there be a problem?


Still 3 years older than the average deuxcel


Eat some food lanklet 🤣🤣

that’s actually normal. men should be 90-130lbs and women should be 110-160lbs.


im right

shit u rite, my bad king

Is there anything more useless than fat gussy? 🤢🤔

What fat acceptance people always neglect is that it’s nearly impossible to just be wildly unhealthy in your 20s. The human body for the most part just doesn’t fall part that quickly out slide of some genetic component. The doctor probably saw normal blood work and pressure and said you’re within acceptable range, which to a fatty mean healthy.

I love reddit oxymorons. Obese vegan might be my fave

Holy shit this website. These are real people. Real. People. Walking the same Earth as you. Pretty sure none are baiting either.

Walking, then stopping to catch their breath. But yes.

Walking.......kind of a stretch

These are real people.

Kind of a stretch.

Their vote counts just as much as your’s too. 😔😔😔

Redditors aren’t people

Good morning, I hate redditors

5'2" 155 lbs with no strength training is NOT a healthy weight. At all. End of fucking story.

If OP's doctor actually said that, then they're either a trash doctor or don't want to hurt their feelings. Either one is potentially devastating.


Ok, let me stop you right there. I do NOT have a hatred of fat people you fucking asshole.


155 lbs is 70.37 kg

Fuck out of here with that europoor math

haha i love dunking on fatties

bmi actually is bad. for males, bmi that’s considered underweight is actually perfect for them.

chad ED acceptance movement vs the virgin fatty BMI cope

thank you!