lmao my sub for fashwave satire with 25 people got banned

1  2020-05-17 by koloPL


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  1. lmao my sub for fashwave satire wit... - archive.org, archive.today

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The brapgod jannies banned another great sub😞 footloose

Telemarketers A?

Operators rise up ✊🏻

hello based departament?


They ban all new subs from drama users with this exact reason, unless people quickly mount a defense and the admins become afraid of backlash in which case they'll reverse it (see LFL).

So here is my idea, we should have a community dedicated to protecting small drama user controlled subs

It's up but private for a while to set it up, message me if you want to get let in

What could be done to protect smaller subs?

Draw admin attention to them when they get banned in subs like mod support, make sure the admins know there will be backlash

They will just ban Drato then


The AHS antithesis, equal and opposite in faggotry.

Hell yeah

So here is my idea, we should have a community dedicated to protecting small drama user controlled subs

They ban subs when they detect a lot of users from previously banned subs subscribing to them. A million dollar extreme question: what do you think will happen to a sub whose purpose is to get those people to subscribe to it?

Though it would be fun if someone coordinated off-site and weaponized the algorithm to get innocent small subreddits banned. I personally am an idea man, of course.

It's worth a try though

If only there were a way to make accounts that were not connected with our prior posting history. Alternative accounts, as it were. Perhaps if this were possible new subreddits could be populated for a time until the admins forget about them.

You need a higher than room temperature average IQ to pull that off, instead of half of the tards not paying attention and using their tainted accounts.

We must Deux our duty, despite insurmountable odds and our own tardation.

Remember what they took from you

homesick for a place i'm not even sure exists

Esoteric hitlerism

What can I say man being a janny is a busy job. They must get paid alot for all the work they do

why do satire subs get banned and the ones they satirize (a walking copyright violation) don’t?


We need to start a new religious movement. A religion that rejects all political baggage. Oh wait, if we do that, we will realise we don’t have anything to talk about as we have been talking about nothing this whole time. We are a reaction against people who are even less alive than we are

The janitor cries as it strikes you

Spergwave is dead. The future is Apewave

Why do subs about hating police and wanting to kill them with 10s of thousands of users stay up but satire ones with 20 people get the ban hammer

Wait so does that r/monkeywave might get banned