Your time is up, mayos! Make way for the new overlords!

1  2020-05-17 by make_reddit_great


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Don't talk shit about jews, anti-semite

I am a white cis male but I recited the shahada in front of my Muslim Persian friends for a joke so I am a Muslim now checkmate WHERE DEM RAPE CRISIS CENTERS AT

Respeck inshallah brother ✊🏽

what a coincidence. I just transitioned* to a masculine-presenting lesbian muslim!

Mashallah, sister! Now go back to the kitchen

Man that pyramid is LITERALLY super gheyyyy

It's pretty easy to get above the line just claim your pronouns are xe/xir/xror/, and anyone who even accientaly misgenders you is a nazi, you don't even need to change anything about your life, and you're a hecking valid non-binary now.

Damn you just broke the whole woke system. Literally everyone can just pretend to be NB and there's literally no way to disprove the claim without being somethingphobic

That's literally the point of the concept.

They'd call you "truscum" or a transmedicalist or something

No, retard, truscum are people who believe that you actually have to experience gender dysphoria to be trans/enby. Wokies hate those people. 😑😑😑

Just say you're enby and do literally nothing else and you're heckin cute and valid and every corporation will bend over backwards to smite your foes.

There's also a contingent that believes you have to actually transition to something to be trans, or at least want to.

I unironically agree, but I do enjoy that you can shut down wokies by simply claiming to be trans.

Even this comment can't be referenced as bad faith because nobody knows if I'm just a wee egg ;)

Wont stop me from calling you a faggot though.

So you're saying straight white men are the base that holds all the other bullshit up?.. Based


This but unironically

In an age where we can identify as whatever the fuck we want and it's extremely bigoted to question that identity such hierarchies only affect those without imagination.

My straight white ass has been non binary, bisexual and mixed race on every soy diversity questionnaire when making any kind of application for years now.

Brb converting

white straight women cancelled

kinda based TBH

No more white women 2020

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Your time is up, mayos! Make way fo... -,

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tfw no more mayo bussy πŸ˜₯


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Time to put on a dress and become superior to black gay women


Who made this? Because it's cringe.

I honestly have no idea if this is sincere or satire.

It’s sincere; white gays and any bisexual ares treated like second class citizens in the lgbt community

I think it's an edit of an AHS jannies argument pyramid


Worthiness list for who gets to go to hell first.

But jews are at the bottom


Jews are at the top level!!! 😀😀😀😀

I'm lucky, I have the nose of a Jew, name of a pock and skin of a whitey



Well I guess I should turn non-binary to make sure I can exist

So I just need a hot topic t shirt, dye my hair pink and get a clip on nose ring? Easiest transition ever.

Jews made this.

Bow down to your new overlord

Just like the damn food pyramid. That shit is upside-down! You gotta flip it.

I’m Brazilian both in nationality and gender. Where do I fit?

We’re digging a hole beneath the pyramid

Thanks for not being a racist/genderphobe like the oc of this image and giving the space we deserve.

I am not even a human 😎

this but unironically.

You should be banned from real life if you've never taken a girldick through a hole in your burkha