1  2020-05-18 by _-ctrl-_


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Antinatalism is the shit tho, most people today shouldn't reproduce, let alone be parents.

Inheriting one's mental illness, social complexes, daddy issues, insecurities and financial irresponsibility is pretty garbage, look at me reprodoocing aaaaaahhhh I'm proloooning the viscious cycle of my misery aahhhhh

Parenting should be a privilege for functional and licensed people.

too much words but government bad who wants government licensing child makers

The elites sitting in the government are still miles superior in terms of intelligence and rationality compared to your average miserable social complex pleb parent.

I love going to the degenerate fetish subs (like r/cuckold) and seeing which subs they overlap with.

I love going to the degenerate fetish subs

I bet you do 😏

Yeah I am a degen tbh


Overlap with r/cuckold:

7.90 sacramento

7.70 mtf

6.50 poker

5.24 lakers

5.01 denver

4.87 chodi

4.39 indiaspeaks

2.40 rickandmorty

2.25 the_donald

7.90 Sacramento

That explains a lot tbh

Like imagine being more degenerate than trannies with this lmao

Good thing you're not a degenerate tranny lacking self awareness


You don’t break down my similes you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than defending nazis on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...


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I'm sad, I bought a gun.

I’m sad I bought a gun and not two guns

Did you buy nine guns?


Look around, tell me, what do you see? A lunatic now, get like me. It's a rap, on the count of three. And it's all being viewed on Shock TV.

Solid kek on that one

Its over for Mayos, they are passing on the torch to our blavk kangz

I'm going to go rob a bank.


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Surely you mean go for a jog?

idk about that. maybe to the mexicans, they seem to have their shit together

Racist, you are disrespecting our kangz


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they seem to have their shit together

True. It mostly flows into Imperial Beach though.

Lol. You wish. The torch goes to the Chinese who will probably start eating niggers at some point while still looking up to whites.

Choyna already has 60 countries who want to fuck them up, even ausfalia that owes every bit of growth since the 90s to choyna buying everything there, wants to fuck winnie pooh up for the kungflu

That's actually inacurrate af, China has been steadily gaining more and more supporters notably more and more countries recognize it as the sole ruler of Taiwan every year (we're down to single digits of countries which do not)

China has also bought most of Africa and now most of Africa votes with it.

I'm talking the virus crisis, and most of those countries you name are shit-tier ones nobody cares about like argentina

I see you're quite an expert on political matters sir

Whites have never lost a war. Whites can hang on even in South Africa where they are outnumbered 99 to 1. Nothing is over. Nothing will ever be over. The US will be over, but whites will carve out a home wherever they are.

Imagine being this wrong.

Rare deuxrama lolcow. Also the visigoths got their shit pushed in by the moors retard

Semetics are white. They are Caucasoid. The back and forth between Islam and Christianity was white on white warfare.

Ask me how I know you're a jogger

Dunno if that’s code for something but I’ve been jogging around my neighborhood at night lately, there’s really nothing better than going out on a cool night for a run. I feel great every morning and I’ve been listening to history/linguistics podcasts and learning a lot. Have a good night friend

Hey MDEfag just say nigger

Russo - jap war of 1905

Inb4 slavshits arent white

Japs are whiter than whites.

Conveniently forgetting Vietnam. Even if you say Americans didn’t “technically” lose, the French got bent over to the point where they passed the torch to us before we ended up just giving up.

Then there’s Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and our current wars over there

Yeah, invading Afghanistan is impossible without a 13th century Mongol horde.

Nah all you gotta do is fucking kill everybody there, simple as

Step 1: Nuke the country into glass that nobody else wants or finds desirable at all

Step 2: just take it

Step 3: with nobody left to challenge your claim, inherit the Afghan ethnicity for yourself and your offspring generations to come.

America failed to stop the ideology of communism from taking root, but American forces never lost a battle.

Afghans are Caucasian. They're mudslimes, but they're white.

Afghans are Caucasian.

🐴 👞

Pastas were owned hard by Black Christian Kings in 1896

Ignoring vietnam and iraq?

Mayos will probably go nazi again once global warming makes only lands up north inhabitable but theres not enough room for all 7 billion apes up there so.....

The US will be over, but whites will carve out a home wherever they are.

Like the parasites they are...

I've never seen a race voluntarily ethnically replace themselves before but I'm glad it's the mayos.

If you ignore the overwhelming amount of mental illness and daddy issues, antinatalism is the most based ideology.

We should forcibly make some people antinatalists

Exactly. Self-imposed eugenics

And childfree somthing is wrong with them

You should be glad they're not reproducing

F for civilisation.



Who would have thought. People hate rotting away 8hrs a day for some rich asshole that doesn’t know their name.

The sub is funny not for pointing out that people don't like working (that's extremely obvious), but because they see it as a political position and demand free money for nothing. Remove all politics and revert to hunter-gatherer stone age and you still have to work to live.

Automatization is gonna bring post-scarcity slacker utopia any day now. Any day now... ;_;

Whats gonna bring is the police robots from elysium

Yea no that’s not what they’re saying, they are literally anti work, period. They don’t want to work at all, for anything or anyone.

Anti-work is such a weird phrase. Like, at least actual commies are pro worker and just don't like bosses but these guys actively don't like the concept of work.

nobody likes to work 8 hour days unless they’ve tricked themselves into thinking they like it

lol @ thinking 40 hours a week (in a desk job too) is too much. Would you rather chase deer for an hour whenever you get hungry

Uhhh yes?

Discard white collarism, embrace hunter-gatherer.

Based and starvation-due-to-sprained-ankle pilled.

Embrace monke* 🐒🍌

right? imagine trying to make 40 hours at a desk seem appealing. factoring in prep time and commute time, that's your whole life, except for some faggoty hobbies on the weekends like grilling and home improvement or beer tasting. just lol at just loling at thinking 40 hours is too much

don't shill for the status quo retard, if you think this is the peak of human society you are just short-sighted. i literally don't do shit for half of my working day, and many others are in my same boat too. we could easily have enough food and supplies with a shorter work week.

I spend 20 hours a week getting paid to do nothing, why is life so hard

It's an issue plaguing pretty much all desk jobs. Some days you work but the 8 hours are mostly not justified. Is it a market inefficiency? Cultural norms holding us back? Cuz blue collar workers dont 'waste' as much time. It's probably to ensure a uniform standard (some professions require the worker's presence fulltime - like customer facing jobs) Anyway, it's not as much shilling as being antagonistic for the heck of it. It's dukesrama, comeon.

Also, are you active in antiwork by any chance?

i just know society isn't set up in a healthy way right now and there are signs of this everywhere. I didn't arrive to this conclusion based on any left-wing ideologies. Yes it's still sustaining us, there is no doubt about that, but I don't believe we are heading in a healthy direction at all as a species (do you?)

I am being idealistic, but I am not trying to make a political statement. I am simply saying that it is naive to believe we are currently living in the best system ever, I don't think it's right to be pro or anti status quo.

We are living in basically the best system that ever really existed, that's not saying the system can't get a whole lot better but I don't think you can come up with a better system that has existed in history. The vast majority of human history has been abject poverty. The direction we're heading is a different question but I'd also take side that says we're improving overall with distributed successes and failures.

I think it's naive to think we are in the best system. you are probably using a materialistic analysis but I'd like for you to see the "mental health" crisis as something that is unique to our times. Suicide, drug addiction, school shootings, being are lonely, etc etc. Why are kids with adequate money and food and shelter offing themselves? We are living in fucked up times.

It's the economy internet stupid. You can't blame the internet on the economy or social systems. It's not naive to have surveyed the evidence and determined we're better off than any other people to ever exist. It's naive to think there was some better time.

Hunter gatherers worked like 4 hours a day, and I bet if you took any of them and made them work in an office for 40hrs a week they would have jumped through the window before Friday.

This is such a weird statement, work isn't really about what you "like" it's about what you do to make a living. It's not a hobby, the alternative isn't really to just do nothing. I don't drink water because I like the taste, I drink it so that I don't die, the same is true of work.

I drink water for the taste

Being self-employed sucks even more tho

Not as weird as you might think. Much of the appeal of gommunism gets nowadays comes from the fact that there are NEETs who think it's an utopia where twinks spoonfeed you fresh grapes 24/7.

This is, of course, all part of the Bogs' plan to make Karl Marx spin so fast in his grave we can just hook him up to dynamos instead of hydroelectric power plants.

an utopia where twinks spoonfeed you fresh grapes 24/7....

Where do I sign up?

From each according to their abilities indeed.

an utopia where twinks spoonfeed you fresh grapes 24/7.

Not for me

"anti drink water! Destroy water industry!"


I think it's good that these don't want children

  • Atheist
  • Vegan
  • NEET
  • Anti-children
  • Suicidal

No crossover with arr slash Portland?

i never messaged the mods yet they keep muting me every 3 days

The final stage of the blackpill

This is actually exactly how it should be. Probably 90% of r*dditors shouldn’t be procreating. All they need to do is keep buying $30 McDonald’s orders through Uber eats and Nintendo switches and the rest of society can continue.

antianalism? is that for people who hate anal sex or just for people who hate assholes?

What is this glorious site that will show me subreddit user overlap?

I used to know one chick who was antinatalist. She had been in an abusive relationship, hated children and was suicidal

Really makes u think