homesick for a society i'm not even sure exists

1  2020-05-18 by HaltOverDow


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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y'all hating on kings again? deux you must maintain discipline

Hard when the collective IQ here is 30

Deuxcels' negative iq dominating deuxchads'. what a sad, sad day

The OG gang to be in

based and monkepilled

I’ve seen the future and it’s beautiful

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. homesick for a society i'm not even... -,

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Hit me wit dat mussy


I am an monke nationalist. I believe that the natural-born men and women of the monke species are the purest of the ape race, and that all others are inferior. I believe that we should secede from our futile borders, and form a mighty empire, turning monke pride into an intercontinental force to be reckoned with. I believe that monkes should conquer all of America and rename it "greater monke". I believe the monke apes must revolt against the jungle to form a great council. I am an monke nationalist, glory to monkes. MONKES OF THE WORLD UNITE

Thank you for your bravery and your story, comrade.

No problem

When will men take the 🐒💊?

The best commenter on this sub lmao

this could be us but you foraging

Reject human

Embrace monkey, take the oogapill

Me and the boys on the way to monke hypno

eat banana

pick flea off back

throw poop

embrace monke

Anyone ever seen that video where that tribe of chimps goes and invades another one?

I'm not talking about Rwanda. I mean these literal chimps went and started tearing each other apart and eating the rival gang's babies. Shit was insane.

Take the Janepill. Go back to your roots.

The janniepill?

jane as in jane goodall

She’s a jannie?

I wish she was. But she lives with apes, probably no wifi there.