Global jihad can't come soon enough

1  2020-05-18 by Dimbledorf


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Fuck Islam. I don’t care if it’s “””Jewish propaganda””” these horrible inbred degenerates have attacked and have murdered my people for hundreds of years. Goat fuckers deserve nothing more than to be a big scorched crater.

Mdegenerates are coming out in droves

Are you pretending you aren't an mde rapefugee

Nah im just a rapist

Flairless faggots in the comments.

The fugees run rampant, but we let them roll in the streets like the disgusting pig. The true deuxchads will find their way.

The jew fears the based muslim

You're not a femboy, you're a sissy slut with a god complex, go back to your dildos and your fantasies you fat fuck, and leave me alone.


  1. Global jihad can't come soon enough -,

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Le muhammecuck has arrived

Show nose

Post child bride

The prophet Muhammad > 👳🏾‍♂️


Yes infidel, we are very based, now let us into your country and rape your wife like a good kafir.

What are those... CRIME STATISTICS AND REASON aahhahhahahahahahhh noooooooooooooooooooo, WE ARE BASED, YOU CAN'T USE THOSE

Flairless mong replies to himself. Just another day in deux I guess. Embrace Allah mongrel or you too will be whipping by his monster dick

No thanks, I will not join some loony cult of eastern mutts that isn't even native to my homeland.

Honestly, if they wheren't jewish I'd be praising Israel as a model example on how to deal with muslims.

Imagine preferring to worship some jew criminal who is also not from your homeland 🙄

Islam is an upgrade to christcuckery in every shape

If I had enough of christianity or it was too jewish, I'd go way back to the roman pantheon, not some shitty middle eastern religion. I'm sure as hell not going to kneel in the direction of a shitty cube every day.

Pagan religions are unironically superior. The jew ruined it for all of us by trying to say there is only one god but its ok because he’s sky daddy and luvs us. Pagan gods better reflect the chaos of our lives - your new born cumspawn dies in your arms? The sons of ibrahim will say “oh god is just testing you” while chad romans would say “cope. just make another retard, here’s a free foid”

This is what the jew took from you, never forget

I agree with you, however independant pagan tradition has been completly destroyed, nothing short of the rebirth of aurelian will bring it back. Christians at the moment reflect the best hope for humanity, as they have already demonstrated to be well capable of what I want society to shape into during the renesance, while I can't find the same spirit anywhere in muslim history. While I would welcome a return of paganism in europe (roman/greek one, germanic is kinda cringe sometimes), I'm under no illusion that it's ever likley to happen, so alienating christians would be a bad idea and a guarenteed death sentence to my goals.

Read "Bronze age Mindset". Fantastic book, even if the guy is sometimes a bit insane. More people need to know of it, and speak of it anonymously like this.

rebirth of aurelian

This nigga couldn't even stay alive for long in his own time, the fuck you want him back for. all these figures that die young, die for the best. He would probably have turned tyrant if he had ever secured the full empire

same spirit anywhere in muslim history

If you want the death of the non-white race, the prophet pbuh is your role model. This dude didn't give a fuck and just straight took by the sword when his bs wasn't selling well to the non-desert peoples. Christcucks will still be debating whether mr turn the other cheek would allow such travesties

Aurelian was great, percisely because despite beeing murdered after only 5 years, he non the less braught rome back from collapse, put down the usurpers in the east and west, pushed back the germanic hordes invading the empire, banished degeneracy from the streets and saved the hyperinflated roman economy and completly debased curency. His work braught the crisis of the third century to an end, and baught rome another few centurys of existence. Without him, it would have been over then and there.

Throughout history, white people have allways been outnumbered by nonwhites, it has never been a problem untill now. It only begins to be a problem when we start importing them en mass. However, this is a problem that is easely fixable through gradual deportation. We surtainly don't need to turn towards a new faith. Once again, read the book. This replacement is but another tendril of a much bigger clash between two fundamentally opposing ways that has been going on forever, of which islam, while it might get rid of that one tendril itself is leaning heavely into the same way of beeing.



Ok Bugman


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The only good thing the Christians did was kill all the pagans in Europe. You can be a pagan go join a Wiccan commune faggot.

Shut you mouth kaffir flairles. Allah the most merciful will certainly punish you for this.

You say that now, but in time, even your people will be under the cross. It is not too late to turn to Jesus, he will forgive you, if only you ask.


Unbased and goyim pilled

I want renesance switzerland, not ethernal bugman civilisation.

Flairloss mongs 😪

I wear it as a badge of honour

we are so getting banned

OP is probably an undecover A*S troomer

Stop being so bigoted, you racist!!! We need open borders for Israel, #DiversityIsOurStrength!!!