Interesting indeed

1  2020-05-18 by shit_post_city


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Damn how's uncle Ted gonna recover? Someone better send him pictures of khazar milkers (Ben's) before he offs himself

I need me some of bennys milkers or I’m going to go insane


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"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race"

...then proceeds to use consequences of the Industrial Revolution, such as batteries, soldering wire, and plastic pipe to spread his message instead of going full Grug-mode with a flint club

Tbf of he did go grug mode, the revolution would have lasted 5 seconds.

2 seconds if he were black.

j u s t __ j o g g i n g . p n g

Haha hammer go bonk!

Show us your tits

would you fuck ben since hes genetically close enough to his sister so its almost the real thing?

I would suckle on those estrogen filled man tits

I'm with the roman way of thinking about this. I'd make him suck my dick, then top him, which is the manliest thing you could ever do. You're literally forcing and degrading another man to suck your dick and then take it up the ass. Bonus points if you make it publically known.

damn u based

based and bussypilled

No he's too femme

Dont tempt me

You know what, I don’t like like FACTS and LOGIC anymore.

Ah yes. The fact that Manlet Shapiro's word-vomit has gained him a devoted following while based Bomberman Ted's transcendant genius hasn't led to so much as a single copycat is the ultimate proof that Uncle Ted was actually right. Technology and modern society were mistakes.

Please. I was alive in the 90s. Most of this guy's following comes from being a cute kid who regurgitated right-wing doctrine. For some reason, much of this seems to have never made it online and it isn't mentioned at all in his wiki page (which makes it seem like he just mysteriously became a nationally syndicated columnist at 17 with no political background at all), but they used to trot him and have him do quiz-show bullshit on right-wing talk shows and radio back in the day. He was being hailed as the future of young conservatives since before he could even jerk off.

Ben, give me the number for them kazar milkers

Know your place, goy

Watch your mouth before I show you whst my strong roman ancesters would do to you.

strong roman ancesters

sweaty, it’s ok not to be white here, we’re very diverse and inclusive

It*lians aren't white

Who makes a list like this???

It's the sort of thing they openly brag about, but which becomes a 'conspiracy theory' the moment anyone else notices it.

It was never conclusively proven that the bombs weren't sent by the CIA

Shut up jew

Here is the thing about Ben. He has a massive penis. No not a big penis, a cartoonishly massive penis. The kind of penis that is so big a woman could never enjoy it. Why do I know this? Everyone who ever meets him knows he has a giant penis. He purposely wears tight pants and briefs. The penis is so large it goes far beyond the boundaries of the underwear and travels to middle of his thigh. He loves to flaunt it. He dares you to break eye contact and look at his shaft so he can smugly smirk at you and raise his deep jew brow. I heard that when he gets an erection it doesnt get much bigger and is too heavy to stand up at full mast. It sort of bobs up and down as copious amounts of blood flood his dragon. I personally came across him at a conference once and he is pretty aggressive with his monster penis. He wont do anything that could warrant sexual harrassment but he is assertave enough to let you know what he is doing is on purpose. He walks penis first if that makes sense, you kind of have to see it to beleive it. So yes Ben is a political master but dont mistake where his confidence comes from.

Lol this has to be a copy-pasta right? But nothing is actually coming up when I search for it.

I was bored at the doctors office waiting room.

looool that's good. I posted it on the sub, had to.

Anprims BTFO’d

You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.


  1. Interesting indeed -,

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So he exploited his enemy?

wasnt that kind of the point tho

Uncle Ted was just playing 7d interdimensional chess with the enemy.

Based Kekzynski

Why yes Ben Shapiro, It was like saying “fuck you, I can use your resources and still get through with it”!

Whos Kaczynski