Starshitters rise up against national hero

1  2020-05-18 by dont_stop_themusic


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I’d rather interact with a pit bull than a chihuahua any day. Most pit bulls I’ve interacted with were the nicest dogs you’ll meet. Chihuahuas on the other hand are mean little critters.

Who said anything about a chihuahua? Why are pit bull owners seemingly required to mention chihuahuas any time someone says something negative about pit bulls?

Because they are retarded. Thats why they own a pitbull.

We can put Chihuahuas down too idgaf

That's literally the pitnutters' only argument, that chihuahuas are cunts. That's it, that's their scapegoat for wanting to be fucked by a pitbull.

And the "ackshually golden retrievers have a greater number of bites"

It is not even that chuhuahuas bite. It is that they are barking cunts. That's it.

Because Chihuahuas are more annoying therefore the fact that pitbulls kill in disproportionate amounts doesn't matter sweaty

They are not even that annoying. If you are really good with dogs (all pit bull owners think they are good with dogs), you absolutely know how to act to calm down a chihuahua, too.

Because their feeling don't care about their facts. A pit nutter could have their balls and bowels torn apartby a pit and they would still defend their miniature bulls.

Truly the 13% of the dog breeds

Dude, it's not the breed, it's the owner

Purely socioeconomic factors.

A true jogger’s dog

Dayummm jogga

Foids mad

I bet a pitbull would beat you in a fight

probably, you ever seen videos where the police shoot those mutant hounds? unless they hit the brain or spinal cord the dogs dont stop biting down

Just jam your thumbs in it's eyes


Thanks for the gold

im jewish it didnt cost me anything, you are welcome goyim

Good luck with that

t. Definitely not a Pitbull

Nooooo not my hecking doggerinoo, nooo, fuck crotch GOBLERINOOS, but not my Doggerinoo snsnsijsnseikwkqownebiwiaaaaa





I want every smooching lip we have to tenderly kiss that man on the forehead.

What a brave soul

Kylo Ren would undoubtedly be based and agree with the destruction of pit bulls

You want little kids playing in the hood to be at the mercy of joggers and pittbulls so be it. Survival of the fittest I like it

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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im scared of all big dogs because of an adverse experience i had with a big dog when i was a child

this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


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Prefer prequel memes tbh