My fellow humans, I love a good cut of the hair. It’s like a nice sunbath really.

1  2020-05-18 by PHAT_BOOTY


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

He is so robotic and soulless, I bet he's trying to market his image on it. So we can joke and play to pretend there's nothing wrong with it or what he did to our data.

Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.


  1. My fellow humans, I love a good cut... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Ngl, I tried to find some error on the title. This bot is more sentient than we think.

The borg collective is coming for you

Resistance is futile