Stinky incels at a Chinese exclave complain about wimminz in muh STEM. Wimminz in question chime in with some peer reviewed academic studies about how they were totally told they couldn't be codemonkeys because of their sex (and about how the plural of anecdote is data).

1  2020-05-19 by polishmathematicians


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Words words words 😴😴

You're not wrong


This reads like an r/Drama title.

you're right, I put too much effort in for this sub. shouldve just titled it "COPE"

Anything longer than 1 sentence is 2 long

Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this place for my popcorn instead of that place. What the fuck goes on in there is beyond my understanding


  1. Stinky incels at a Chinese exclave ... -,

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allah forgive me for siding with the chinks here but even when you finally trick the females into pursuing cs with special commercials, ceremonies, and social clubs they still drop the major after getting a bad grade: these "scientists" jump through some hoops to try to explain it away

i dont even know why we're still humoring these alleged women, we have tranny programmers now isnt that enough

The cope in that thing, nooo unfrenly environment, rook at this systemic oppressioné, I was too much of a pussy to join stem remekskapqlwmhsudndsjsijsis