
1  2020-05-19 by braveathee


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Imagine thinking a newscaster caused her death and not the fucking retarded New York mayor nigga that put covid patients in nursing homes

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Agendapost -,

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No, faggot.


Most boomers are Trump supporters. So shouldn't it be a win?

My personal opinion is that Trump is bad for America, so good for the world (except in the fight against global warning, but I am not a poor so I don't care).

Based boomercide


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I laugh.

Why are all the barrels firing at once? that sort of defeats the purpose of the whole system.


If there's anything firing at the Chinese, I'd hope it's running cool in order to sustain its rate of fire, there are a lot of them afterall.

That's what God created nukes for.

Do you think that libtards know how a gun works? They probably think it has more barrels so it can fire 17 magazine clips at the same time

I think it was actually a bat eater responsible for this, they almost the opposite of a libtard, though have been known to use libtard talking points when it serves their goals.

Needed more bullet

Me with the baseball bat

I need text near the old man with the machine gun, I don’t know who it’s supposed to be.

He’s like Voldemort! Think of it that way and everything just clicks dude

We already shit on the whole economy just to extend the lives of these geriatric fucks a bit, what more do they want

Listen here jack

This is the only legit criticism of democracy, imo. No other system of government would even think about making lots of young men unemployed to save a few old fuckers. Unemployed young men overthrow countries. But old people vote more often.

It can barely even be called democracy at this point when young people hardly vote but these old fucks will vote on anything they can get their wrinkly hands on. It's boomer-cracy and the boomer politicians know they have to pander to their senile boomer voting base.

making lots of young men unemployed to save a few old fuckers.

What if i told you... the jobs never existed to begin with 🤭

Too based for this website, brother. Don’t let them come for you.

Literally all they did in their lives was steal from the generations in the future. They’re the reason everything is so bad now, but do they care? Only when it returns back to them. Man, I fucking hate boomers.

Then do something about it. Get the covid, and if you don't show symptoms, go volunteer at some nursing homes.

This drawing was not made to defend b-slurs, it was made by Chinese people to make fun of what America is doing.

lmao at the cope and denialism of people who still think China's blameless

I don’t understand. Do they actually think it’s not their fault?

Yes. Viruses happen.

Americans think they are not at fault for the Great Depression or the 2008 one.

I’m sorry that you are retarded fella

Earliest confirmed case of Coronavirus is in France.

Whatever you say Chang

I'm wh*te you fucktard. My children will be half master race though.

Stop eating dogs you creep


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I don't eat dogs, but white women fuck them. Thankfully my wife will be Asian.

“Will be” I found a pic of your future wife that you haven’t even met yet


Sorry I forgot you like them jaundiced


Editing a comment after gettin btfo is the true cope lmfao

After ? I think you were just too eager on the refresh button waiting for my answer like some nolifecel.

Sorry I forgot you were retarded

Did you ever think, when you eat chinese

It ain't pork or chicken but a fat siamese?

But the food tastes great so you don't complain

but that ain't chicken in your chicken chow mein.

seems to me I ordered sweet and sour pork

but Garfield's on my fork

he's purring here on my fork


There's a cat in the kettle at the peeking moon

the place where I eat every day at noon

they can feed you cat and you'll never know

cause they fry it up in dough

yah they fry it real crisp in dough

I'm a 6 ft tall strong male with a slight beer belly (at most an extra 10-15 pounds and I'm working on losing it) strong eyes and a full head of blond hair. I'm confident, I give everything my all, and people are naturally drawn to me. How the fuck don't you find me attractive anymore. Aren't I good enough? Don't I work hard enough? Try hard enough? You can't have sex and my parts work fine, I have never prematured in my life and YOU aren't attracted to ME!? My dick is average length and slightly thicker than normal, is that not good enough? What is wrong with me that you suddenly don't find me attractive anymore?

Fuck you.

Fuck you for all the times you treated me like shit. Fuck you for all the times you raged at me infront of my friends and I had to come up with excuses for you. Fuck you for all the times others questioned why I was with you and I had to scramble for an answer, when the only answer was I loved you anyways. I loved you because like me you have your flaws but you care, and you are passionate, and you try. I wanted to believe in you the way others believe in me despite my flaws. I wanted to care regardless because we share so much in common and get along so well. I put my all into this.

I'm sorry I am so angry when neither of us deserve it. It didn't end with a bang, it didn't end with a fight, it ended with a whimper. The last ember of an old flame finally extinguished on a cold winters night. You said you were sorry. You said I was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing person. You said you hate yourself for not finding me attractive and not loving me.

It's over, I pulled the trigger on facebook after you told me we were through. My last words to you were; "goodbye, I loved you".

I hate you, I loved you, I'm sorry.

Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

I am a bot.

Thanks, I keep that post for two reasons:

  1. I don’t delete my posts, which makes it easy to keep.


  1. It’s a 6 year old post. Quite often some butt hurt person like you will dredge it up, because I live rent free in your ricecel head.

Every time you do, about once every 3 or 4 months, it’s like a time capsule that shows me how far I have grown and how I have changed. It reminds me of all the awesome things I have done since exiting that toxic relationship.

Thanks for being this month’s useful idiot. It cheered me up, since last time it was posted to me I got another promotion and gained another new hobby, can’t wait to see what next time looks like.

Nuke china when

How do the hands go into the gun?

That guy’s so stupid. You could kill those old fucks so much quicker, if you turned the gun around.

What is this referencing?

Chinese people seem to think that USA spends a lot of time blaming China instead of trying to solve the coronavirus crisis.

Ah I thought it referred to a specific incident

OP's refined taste in boot leather

Me giving the Kung Flu a bigger, heavier bat

Me also grabbing a second gun and opening up on the first gutter oil cooking, dog munching Chinese "chef" I see


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