Get owned deuxcels

1  2020-05-19 by Vxncenzo


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They kind of shot themselves in the foot with that Matrix argument.

Wachowski is a perfect scientific experiment proving that women can't make good movies. You have Wachowski brothers who made the Matrix and you have Wachowski sisters who made ... shit. They are absolutely identical in every respect other than gender and yet males can make movies and their female counterparts can't.

Cloud Atlas and Sense8 got good reviews though I've not yet seen either - then there's V and Speed Racer, the latter has been gaining popularity recently I think. Yet to watch those too lol

Matrix 2-3 only had weak sections, the notion that they were generally bad is just r/freefag bullshite lmao

Speed racer is unironically great

The twitter tranny is the most low effort she/they troon ive ever seen:

Bruh wtf he doesn’t even fucking try to resemble a woman. If I met him on the street, I would assume that hes just a normal guy. Ty for linking his ig btw, I haven’t had a good laugh in a while.

Men dressed as women have invented more shit than women have lmao

That fucking jawline lmao

Men simply don't have the range to make art like this

all biological men

all for the most part male neuroanatomy

all male chromosomes

Imagine shooting yourself in the foot this hard

Some point in the future they're gonna claim that women made huge contributions and they're gonna quote a handful of tranoids and you won't be able to argue against that because saying trannies aren't women will lose your oxygen-pass

Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares what movie directors have in their pants? I long for the times where the piece of art mattered, not some arbitrary category you can shove the artist into.

Nobody ever remembers Chuck Person - Eccojams Vol. 1 smh.

And now no one remembers the original when the score for Tron legacy exists.

so men

So the Wachowski brothers made the original Matrix, made the latter 2 only after they converted to Trannyism, and this is supposed to be something to be proud of?

Really makes ya think

Larry was getting whipped in woman make-up by Ilsa while making the sequels - then started hormoning shortly after I think.

It took him like what, 10 years to transition and finally come out during the Cloud Atlas promo? But then Andy just goes within a year with no weird rumors preceding it, that still looks surreal to me lol

Either way at least one of them was already obsessed with trans during 1 - the Switch character was supposed to genderswap when jacking in, but that idea ended up discarded. One of the interpretations of the entire premise is that the whole "waking up" and assuming a new name etc. is a metaphor for sex change.

And what were they or he thinking of during Bound one wonders? Pretty sure it started quite a while back.

thats like the TRANSGENDER NAVY SEAL.....who became a tranny 13 years after he got out of the military

🤓🤓 heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots 👌😂[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u 👈👈👈 You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. Get owned deuxcels -,

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Wasnt Matrix inspired by Ghost in the shell?

Anime is the source of all art.

And Terminator and the Invisibles comic etc.




I’m pretty sure everyone knows vaporwave was made by depressed tumblrinas, pretty faggy of rightoids to tard up their cope music

"Much that men think belong to them were actually created by us"

Bro nobody gives a shit who invented anything... you seek validation in achievements of other people just because they are like you

Identity politics moment.

Bro nobody gives a shit who invented anything

Except for rightoids and incels who always talk about men and whites inventing everything

Amerifats with no culture have to settle on being proud of being white instead of being a certain ethnic group. They cant even be racist correctly lmao

The day I was born I too received my rights to life, liberty, and property. My mind was a blank slate which I then wrote on to create my character. There is no culture and society, there is only personal responsibility.

Gonzalez? Bobo? Bacanegra? Did those names bring great mathematicians, writers, and composers to your mind as well? That's because they worked hard too. There is absolutely no reason to be proud of your identity, or even concerned for your identity. It's all just personal choices.

mayo seethe

Where would society be without the contributions of all year long Halloween celebrators

the matrix was made by the tranny brothers

Before being struck by mental illness


A meme genre that no one listens to outside of /mu/ and reddit

the score of these films

But not the film itself.

A meme genre that no one listens to outside of /mu/ and reddit

100%. And redditors desperately cling onto this shitty "genre" to this day because it's the only time there was what they believed to be a trendy and cool musical movement that they were a part of.

It's literally just slowed down music


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the score of these films

But not the film itself.

Not even the score... A Clockwork Orange has classical music as its score, some of it re-created on synthesizer, plus a couple of contemporary tracks form other artists. There's maybe 1 or 2 short tracks that were actually "composed", like the title theme. But ones no one even remembers those. Everyone remembers the classical tracks and the classical tracks that were re-created on synth.

It's a typical case of someone googling people, seeing them credited on a movie's score and then claiming that they "composed" the entire score while having never seen the movie or even looked into it beyond the imdb credits page.

They just googled "things that trannies made" and those were the only three results that popped up.

No bro Beethoven was a troid trust me. He is on my sissy hypno discord server


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Not even true, vaporwave wasn't invented by vektroid.

Art is useless and nothing to be proud of

Vaporwave was POPULARIZED by Vektroid, right?

Vektroid was popularized BY vaporwave

Vaporwave was not made by Vektroid, not even close

Not to be a fucking nerd or anything but not only was Vaporwave not made by anyone, trying to claim that someone made it is the exact opposite of vaporwave.

Vektroid’s biggest song is literally just a Whitney Houston song slowed down

Lol nerd alert! Somebody hold him down so I can suck his dick.

vektroid just made macintosh plus, which is good, but vaporwave began with chuck person’s eccojams

And a bunch of fat nerds invented a ton of stuff, I still make fun of them.

What's your point?

My favorite musician is unironically trans lol, this only strengthens the resolve





Matrix: Overrated as shit, fans deserve a bomb in their mailbox

Vapor wave: what? Is this 2016?

Clockwork orange soundtrack: only thing good out of the 3

3 mailbombs out of 10