OKBR at it again with the coping so that you can’t say the funny word lmao

6  2020-05-19 by SOCIALIST_DESTROYER


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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There's been a few "memes" on okbr that are a very thinly and unfunny attempt to propagate some agenda

I said a girl looked adorable and everyone called me a simp lol

people who pull that shit are literally just the people that repeat memes and cause them to die

you’re not worshipping a girl for saying she’s cute you’re worshipping a girl if you let her cheat on you just so you can talk to her

There's the chad type of worship though, like when you worship Wotan

Real chads only worship women that worship them back because they’re a happy couple

redditors seething

There are varying scenarios.

tru tru

however a collection of cats or figurines =/= a family

Anybody who sees himself as a chad isn’t

Adorable is a pedo tier compliment. You deserved it

She's an adult.


Doesn't matter, reported your ass to FBI.


Is she also an immortal vampire?

The correct word is horrible.

Simping is sad because of its repetitive nature and because the simp doesn’t recognize patterns. You’re supposed to learn through trial and error in your teens that being polite and respectful to foids makes them want to vomit. They want to be treated slightly better than a stray dog

Foids and dogs you say? 😏


You really think I'm a simp because I comment on every one of her posts? Or because I constantly defend somone who barely acknowledges me? Ok

This is unironically what simps think.

Theres a reason our ancestors installed a patriarchy where this type of shit was forbidden.

It's only simp if done with the attitude of humiliation, submission and low self-appraisal - though commenting on every post sounds bad either way, if not simp then like psycho stalker lol

Well that's a simp alright

May allah strike this man down

Absolute cutie, hot!

Such a wholesome chonker

I have never respected a women and I don't think I'll start now.

Only a simp would be offended by the word simp.


Yikes sweaty so much to unpack here

YTA you're wh*te major red flags here

You can over-saturate our word and degrade it's meaning, but we found a word to describe something we already felt and thought. If you are what a simp is now, you are what a simp means now.

i only bully women

flair checks out