Black people denied basic rights??? My America 😍😍

8  2020-05-19 by notthatbadreg


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Do these people know statistics exist and that it takes two seconds to look them up? Whites have a far higher chance of getting killed by some random jogger while going to the store than a jogger randomly being killed while going to the store by a white person. Of course, black people are more likely to get killed when going to the store in general, but by another black person. This pic is trying to imply they are in danger by racists though.

No. Just stop spreading lies. My black friend told me what his life is like...

7:00 AM - wake up from the gunshots of white gangs in my neighborhood
9:00 AM - Head to my work and avoid alleyways and public transport due to so many whites committing street crimes, victimizing working black folks
11:00 AM - Get passed over for a promotion. A less qualified white candidate gets promoted due to a diversity initiative
12:00 PM - Go out to get lunch and the fast food corporate logo shames black people for slavery (in Africa). On my way back I narrowly escape white teens who were playing the knock-out game
3:00 PM - Get reprimanded for missing the diversity session
5:00 PM - Go home, nearly mugged by whites in $700 sneakers
7:00 PM - Get online and see that I'm banned from reddit for saying "black lives matter"
10:00 PM - Fall asleep in fear of white people who terrorize, censor and victimize me at every turn



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wtf i hate crakkkers now

Yikes. You did a racism. You're blocked now.


i dont think thats what its implying


Do I really need to link FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6 Again?

Actually that would be great I would love to use that to make leftoids seethe later if you don't mind

Here you go friend

It might be a bit confusing at first, but the breakdown by race is the first section in the table.

Disclaimer: I only endorse the use of this data purely as a fact check. I do not and never will make sweeping claims about any race, as I believe in judging individuals for their own actions. That is all.

I do not and never will make sweeping claims about any race, as I believe in judging individuals for their own actions.

Spoken like a real white boy.

Statistics don't lie my Jewish friend

What fucking right do nogs not have

the right to jog to construction sites

The right to grab their waistband while mouthing off to a cop.

Start distributing belts to the inner city

post body

It's white


5' 10, 160lbs. Or 180cm/72kg if you hate freedom

its about bf% not weight plus i think you kust googled the perfect weight for that height

not body skinnyfat ppl can have normal wrists >:(((

nice costco card is it worth getting a membership

I don't understand what you mean by the first sentence

Honestly yeah, I don't have any kids but I like the membership. Good bulk purchases for lunches and dinners, decent pizza/hot dogs at the cafe, and their travel discounts are worth it. Thanks to 2% cashback on the executive membership , my renewal this year was $11.

Probably gonna buy a patio set with one of those "propane fire rocks" tables next time I'm home.

Plus it's the only place in town I can get 93 octane gas (albeit with ethanol). Their full synthetic motor oil is good shit for half the price of Mobil1.

skinnyfat means your skinny but you have a good bit of body fat. he’s going to judge you if you’re skinnyfat but i like it

I'm in my 30s and travel for work in construction. Of course I have some body fat. Can't keep 4% forever

but hey, at least i have a grape whistle

cute hands but post body

Ah fuck. I was trying to look up the Whitest Kids U Know "feet touch" skit to reference you all wanting to see my body so you can jack off to it...

Just realized, I was going to print a grape whistle using that purple filament my wife wanted, but I already started a lithopane of Groundskeeper Willie ripping his shirt off yelling THEN GREASE ME UP, WOMAN

... Shit. I'll have to print it later. But anyway, yeah: you guys just wanna jack off to my skinny body, you bunch of poofters

will you post it

When nogs go to the store, they die!1!1!!!. Rip kobee

Donald Trump's surface-to-air-missile battery emplacements are running fully autonomous white supremacist AI's trained to shoot down all helicopters with black ppl inside :((( RIP kobe

I heard skynet detects any diverse people moving at more than walking speed and automatically dispatches right wing death squads 😳

Black ops.

The right to a higher quality life given by having a naturally bigger brain.

post body

post body

Now, this is epic.

DAS RITE. Reparations for the lost KANGS NOW.

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Black people denied basic rights???... -,

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my america as in the young black gentleman is in direct control, and is oppresing those white people

or my america as in he voted towards a canditate that would oppress those white people

or my america as in he supports the oppression of the white people, but did not directly or indirectly influence it

None of the above. I took it as My America in that those are and have always been everyday realities for the young black gentleman. White people (like me) are just now getting a small taste of what that feels like.

lay off the estrogen pills bro

wow you have shitty reading comprehension

Eh that interpretation works too.


Yeah...they're not talking about getting shot by someone holding a pistol sideways.

Dying from a disease is like being killed for punching someone in the head with a shotgun who saw you stealing from a construction site

lmao, I misunderstood it for a second. I thought those white people are scared to leave the house and think they could get killed anytime because of minorities. That is why he said "This is my America".

Mayos once again salty when karma gets them for nigtreatment.

is nigtreatment the mass importing of people that celebrate the worst atrocities in american history?

I mean their treatment of niggers and how as they're becoming a minority it's happening to them.

careful with your words sir, you don’t know what you’re saying

Imagine unironically being comprehensible.


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i feel like hispanics are basically white, so were still the majority

Nog moment
