There really are white men out here that with a straight face can tell me theyre being oppressed like as if they havent been bombing and napalming babies for the last 60+ years JFL

1  2020-05-20 by CapoKang


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TheRightCantMeme = Left-wingers not being able to recognize satire by other left-wingers

Are all rightoid shitty memes actually leftoid satire?

no, but almost all the ones posted to make fun of said memes are

no but 90% of posts on there are lefty satire

the remaining 10% is right satire

A lot of them are, same in /r/insanepeoplefacebook. Leftoids are just to greedy. They don't want some conservative guy to say something that's kinda retarded, they want it all: the white-identifying, seething, misspelled, insane take by an ugly white man or Karen.

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.


  1. There really are white men out here... -,

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It’s a white mans RIGHT to invade territories, how dare you.


look at his overview, he's a coping mutt

Im full negro. Just colonising white women

Classic nigger cope, interracial relationships are very rare in every direction, putting them on a grand stand won't make ur history any less pathetic

and retarded whores exist in every race, just see r/raceplay

I hate all of it, all of it is gay and promotes racial conflict when in reality its better to just respect other races and not dream about mixing like you

Pick a struggle. Statistically no one wants black men, or the niggers are taking our wamen. And sites like aint helping your cause

I don't think the niggers our taking are women, I just think it's funny and stupid you cope by imagining yourself with white women.

And yeah it annoys me just like r/raceplay annoys you.

I date like a Kang were colonising every race and ethnicity. Do sum

We dont even need violence. Your women in government are doing Gods work Lets hope the Chinese start WW3 to reset world powers cucking west Europe and America

haha 2 million. yeah that covers all of it. Interesting to see you sucking chinese dong there since they are taking over for us as overlord of Africa

No comprehension skills I see. WW3, Mutual desctruction, Mutual Cucking. Balance powers for all. There you go summariser it for ya

the copepost apocalypse is among us

> TFW your entire history is being subjugated by crakkkas

> Surely this will change if I talk about interracial relationships!

A right-wing kook expressing his kooky but sincere opinions isn't an example of the right trying to meme.

The left is so bad at memes that they don't know what a meme is in the first place.


You have to napalm them to make sure they cook properly.