“Make way for the king!”

1  2020-05-20 by BiggestThiccBoi


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Um, ackshually, it’s QUEEN now. Respect her pronouns, x-phobe


I miss him so fucking much, it hurts.

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. “Make way for the king!” - archive.org, archive.today

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How is Chris even alive at this point?

I thought this post was bc he'd just died or something

Who that

Chrischan, tard in the picture

Oh you sweet summer child. Here, start watching and soon you be caught up with this marvelous creature up to.... 2013 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABqEYq6H3vpCmsmyUnHnfMOeAnjBdSNm

Oh goodie, an entire playlist

37 vids and counting, each around 40 minutes long. Enjoy!

Really helped on the 16-hour drive across the country, and back. Can't believe it takes 35 episodes just to reach his "transition"

Though tbh a lot of episodes can be skimmed through. It's very thorough but not all of it is necessary or interesting.

He's crossdressing. Is he really alive at all?


Lmao is he still stalking her?? it’s been like 15 years 😆

i miss chris chan golden era

Shit was so Cash

I’m watching the comprehensive documentary series now. Which saga was the golden era?

pretty much everything before bob died (ep 36 of the doc iirc), after that the comedy becomes a tragedy.


What's he up to nowadays? I never quite shared the love he used to get, so I don't really keep track. I think he lives his life now happy as a janny? Or troid, I always confuse these? Does he still do those lovely cartoons?

He’s a troid who just begs his fans for money.

full blown schizophrenia, he legit believe he's in sonichu universe and have superpower

Based and Chan pilled.

Sidenote, CWC really is the embodiment of the tranny community. An incel trying to get femnist pussy via crossdressing.

All hail Ian Brandon Anderson

With Ian being a troid now, I might go start following Christopher Weston Chandler again.

Was the original made unironically? It's so fucking bad

fucking praising nurse and doctor because they are doing the job they sign for ....

No, it's bad because of the cringe capeshit