1  2020-05-20 by kaenorr


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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And that’s a fact

Except my mom

too true

hence how your mum gave birth to an internet janitor

any female born after 1945 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie

any female born after 1793 can’t plough... all they know is the inside of their single-room house , churn they butter, barn dance, birth 8 children , get cholera & die

wow a screenshot with no link to any actual drama.

Another day, another rightoid incel seethepost about women/trannies/blacks with no drama





Still waiting for the day the mods decide to put bosmer bussy & other degeneracy on the sidebar to scare off any fugees that haven't assimilated to our kultur yet

scare off any fugees

Being over the age of 14 and trying unsuccessfully to own the nazis by putting epic gay porn online is the real cringe compilation

Yes, please keep calling those MDE zoomers Nazis. If you keep on at it, eventually Hitler's gonna be spinning so fast in his grave, we'll finally be able to find his body.

Who the hell is hitler, nazi is just a nonsense word you use when you can't think of the right one

The purring Jew


Russian Great grandma

Irish grandma

English mother

Los Angeles (?) now? The fuck?

At home everywhere and nowhere

Russian great grandma.

Russian grandma.

Russian mom.

... Something, somewhere.

Wait... "She's" a "He", right?

Deux is just posting rightoid memes and circlejerking about it in the comments.

(((Who))) could've caused such an epic reddit moment?

this sub is so overrun with rightoids, it's not even funny anymore. I bet They don't even respect bussy that much

I don’t think there is any pride to be found in be the dead-end in a 3.5 billion year long chain of evolutionary success but that might just be me.


I wonder how many lines have ended in proportion to the number of people Alice today (the number of lines that have survived). It'd be pretty interesting to know.

But whereas in the past they ended due to untimely death now they end due to (((choice)))

Evolutionary success is just a distraction from the superior hedonism pill

Evolution was a mistake. The only right thing to do is correct it.

Retards removing themselves from the gene pool should be commended, respected, and rewarded.

guess it wasnt that successful if it ended with me

Don’t put yourself down king. It could always be worse. Hell you could be greek. If you are greek well then shit at least you’re not a turk. Take this 👑 and keep that chin high even if its a tad recessed we all in this together even weebs. No furries tho.

From the first fucking cell reproducing continuously, all the way to you, for four billion years, and it all ends with you.

Muh furbabies and pop funkoroonis?!

The cells have been reproducing to create variations of species. Individual members of it are irrelevant.

nooo no the heckin cellerinos, not the v v good vertebrates not the ancesterooonies

having your life choices by what you think your "ancestors" down to single cell organism would "expect" of you (lol) is some really pathetic shit, lmao. Literal NPC shit, "I NEED KIDS TO MAKE MY ANCESTORS PROUD" - "why" - "..."

Nah, you do do have a point.

I myself am pretty stringent about not planning on having children, but I don't make that part of my identity - and after staying on this site for a while, I've grown to despise people who do.

I myself am pretty stringent about not planning on having children


Just be an alpha and donate sperm

There are height requirements for that

But then I'd pass on my genes, which is probably a net negative to the world

Don't be so negative. No one would pick it anyway.

No one would pick it anyway.

You can lie and say you are a 6'10" Harvard grad.


Based and shed your own ego pilled

Damn 😔

That's why you always have at least two children

You need three. So the middle child feels angry and motivated enough to do better than the oldest and youngest so they can attempt to buy your love in your old age.

As a middle child I can confirm that this is an effective strategy.

more likely the middle child will grow up feeling unloved, steal thousands from the family to donate to internet thots then chimp out and off everyone when found out

Go with 5, still got angry middle child but they've got more people to try and beat

I'll do gay for pay, but not with my son. Gross

having your life choices dictatedby 3.5 billion years worth of worm food sounds like some real cuck shit.🤔


I dunno. That's a hell of a run

Your cat doesn't give a shit about you. It's just wants food from you and it cuddles you because of your body heat.

Neither does child, tbh.

Pffft. When I beat my wife my baby joins in and starts pulling her hair. My child loves me.

📸 *SNAP*

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My daddy though the same thing. He quickly realized, we only shared a common enemy.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And what is friendship without love.

Not gay.

I don't get it. Is she just showcasing how her bloodline got weaker and weaker until it died out?

T R O I D A L E R T 🚨 🚨



Doesn't check out tbh.

Yeah doesn't Russia hate Trannies and gays?

Some do, others think it's wrong to hate the mentally ill.

Imagine if that Russian Dude Adopted Islam instead of East Orthodox Russians could of been throwing Troons of buildings right now

Grassroots beatings work just as well.

Yeah this post might be interesting if it wasn't full of stupid r/drama shit, gotta make sure we call everyone -cels and -lets and call people autistic or else the drama folks won't appreciate our post!


  1. M A X I M U M C O P E - archive.org, archive.today

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Not that I wish for the good ole' days or anything but I do love this meme. It completely mocks the whole sphere of identity politics (that a man can just become a woman because he says so) and modern pet ownership, which is often toxic because of the way people humanize cats and dogs in particular. It's a classic.

Just needs pornhub on the laptop.

You dumbass, this is Russian propaganda aimed at foids. Stop injecting your toid fetish into it.

that a man can just become a woman because he says so



Communism hates degenerates

Good thing it wasnt real communism then

But only degenerates love communism 🤔

There are basically two communists: the first is usually female or a weak male who is jealous of rich people and fail to really understand the ideology (these are your degenerates), the second is a based basement dweller who thinks gulags are the best political decision of the 20th century.

Unfortunately the first is 98% of them.

based watermark

Hate to break it to you my friend but if you are born a man you stay a man. No amount of performative femininity will make you an actual woman. Trans women are women the same way that bears are koala bears. I'm willing to call someone 'she' just to be polite and considerate but I don't believe it when I say it. I don't care if you look like Nikki tutorials or Blaire White, you were still born male and you will never be a woman in the same way that I am.

I read a whole paragraph before the foid revealed herself. Thanks for wasting my time.

Whatever you do, don't check the post history. 🤮

Hey i got free gen x terf tit pics, there are worse ways to spend my time. Like listening to their opinions.

Fat tits are fake tits. It's like looking at moobs, bro. Repent

Not my fault you can't handle the BBW


Big Beautiful Woman


I'm sure you would rather look at your own moobs. Probably why you are upset. I offended a troon/GAMP.

I'm a bodybuilder lmao. Hell yeah I'd rather look at my own tits. I look great naked

Well I also happen to look great naked after two bottles of wine (I don't drink I just decided to make a Karen joke)

I'm not Gen X. I'm also not a 'TERF', just someone who lives in reality.

Most men really are boring trash. If I had it my way I would throw 80% of you into a volcano so I didn't have to listen to you talk about sex and body parts all the time. 20% of men are actually interesting people who have interests besides talking about women.

those tits look to be aged 40 years at least

How would you know? Do you view GILF porn?

dont be that hard on yourself. 40 is still MILF territory

You are contradicting yourself. Apparently you like middle aged women but you are saying having middle aged boobs is a bad thing? Like those men who constantly beat on fat women but you see their new catch and she's like 300lbs.

Why would I need to 'reveal myself?'. That would only be the case if being a female human being was actually big deal to you. Maybe you're the problem and you see women as secondary.

you see women as secondary


Well maybe I see men as secondary, unless they are actually useful or interesting. Most men are not useful or interesting although they love to take credit for the ones that are.

Then, why are you complaining about men seeing women as secondary if you do the same?

Because most women are in the middle and most men are more dumb than women. Most geniuses and people with an above average IQ are male but they don't make up the majority. Men with an average and below average IQ are often violent and dumb.


TFW even the rightoids fall to the plague of WORDS WORDS WORDS

will never be a woman in the same way that I am.

I don't know. I knew some trannies that were really bad at math.

I'm laughing so hard that I spat out my monster drink. That's such a dad joke. A dark dad joke, but still a dad joke.

A dark dad joke

tbf I did tell my kid I was just going out for a pack of smokes.

in the same way that I am

HELLOOOO look at me, I'm a woman!

No you just see women as secondary humans so mentioning that I'm one is a big deal to you.

So you're not a woman?

Are you saying hey look at me I'm a man?

Why are you drawing attention to the fact that you have a penis? I don't need to know that.


you go grrrl, slay.......... Watermarx🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Don’t get excited rightoids, it looks like her great-grandma was a Russian villager and her mother was raised in Brooklyn , that means she’s almost certainly a (((nyc native)))

in that case, I applaud both her and her cat-child.

May she keep not reproducing till menopause

someone pointed out that it's a boy in the window with his mom, so he's now a tranny cat parent.

Even better

You have to impregnate her to get them milky my dude.

No, Soviets all the day down - the kid with the mom is wearing an Oktyabryenok star to go along with his Soviet school uniform.

So, unironically reposting Russian Soviet nostalgia/tradcuck porn. The absolute state of rightoids in 2020.

Russian Soviet nostalgia/tradcuck porn

My fetish! 😍😍😍

Veering dangerously close to zoophilia there.

Doesn't have to be a Russian village, could be Polish or Lithuanian or some shit.

You’re right, they really were everywhere

Schnozz check


Schnozzed: ✔

She has curly hair too. Definitely a tribe member






You can see his stripes but you know he's clean

Oh don't you see that bussy queen.

Gotta get a gay

BussyHole Diver, yeah


What I see houses and clothes on the first pic, still too modern for me. It's not real traditional if it doesn't return to monke.



Nullify yourself, mayo.

It should be illegal to only have one kid. Kids with no siblings turn out all fuck uped.

Can confirm, was an only child and am all fucked up.

Unleast you're honest about it.

thank you for your blog post.

I had 4 siblings, yet I'm still here with you people.

so is this why I am subbed to r/deuxrama

No child it is, then.

Let the mayocide commence.

That's her big brother in the third panel. Every woman in the first three panels is preggo.

I thought that was just what suburban Jewish women look like when they're 40

Fits the PCM meme format.

Bottom two should be interchanged

But, did he cut his peepee?

The rabbi started the job, he might as well finish it.

Just noticed the retard has a cat cause he’s a tranny

Nothing more than a cat or two and a bunch of online friends on social media outlets that are never willing to meet them because their personality consists of being depressed and only talking about transitioning and video games.

Edit: a sweeping generalization that touches so many

It's not a tranny. This is just Russian propaganda aimed at foids to get them to breed.

I like how the other foids are preggo, but the modern version is just fat.

Bottom left kid seems like a boy tbh

That’s her big brother. Mom is preggers.

cats are cool tho they perfectly match my avoidant attachment due to unresolved trauma

Avoid cats

The virgin owning a cat because of your crippling social anxiety


The chad owning a cat because you live in the country and have pests

has a cat cause he’s a tranny

What does this mean?

Can’t have child, so tranny went into ultra cope mode and got a furbaby

pretty sure they're not trans, that child from earlier is just they younger brother

plot twist: its not a girl

Reparations 👏👏👏

we don’t need mayocide white people are doing the extermination themselves

It's always neighborly to offer a helping hand.

Let's start the Jihad!

My great grandfather: Italian immigrant to New York City. Owned a billiards hall. Got cucked by the Italian mafia for endorsing the wrong political candidate and had to close the hall.

My grandfather: Became rich lawyer. Got cucked by MS and had to be confined to a wheelchair for most of his adult life.

My father: Became mechanical engineer at a nuclear power plant. Got cucked by prostate cancer and had to get neutered.

Me: Unemployed. First non-New Yorker in generation. Got cucked by gender dysphoria and autism and became a failson troomer.

We shall cleanse the wop menace.


any female born after 1993 can’t cook... all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie

where is this from?

ok but why are they all fat

Don't be promoting (((beauty standarts))).

Notice how he's wearing boy clothes in the "my mom" pic

Good job.

Girls is doing her part in the mayocide. We are only this close.

i dont get it whats the point of the image?

Why do they go from fat to thin instead of the other way around?

C   A   T

I thought this was a right wing attempt to make a parody left wing comic at first.

Fucking hell

Ton arrière-arrière-grand-mère, elle a eu quatorze enfants

Ton arrière-grand-mère en a eu quasiment autant

Et pis ta grand-mère en a eu trois c'tait suffisant

Pis ta mère en voulait pas ; toi t'étais un accident


Et pis toi, ma p'tite fille, tu changes de partenaire tout l'temps

Quand tu fais des conneries, tu t'en sauves en avortant

Mais y'a des matins, tu te réveilles en pleurant

Quand tu rêves la nuit d'une grande table entourée d'enfants

I don't think it's entirely this woman's fault that she ended like that, and having a pet is a good loneliness coping mechanism. Now having kids is such a financial commitment that it's really hard to handle. It used to be that a man could work a 9 to 17 middle level job and support 3 kids and his wife (not only in 50's USA, for example, it was common even in communist Poland so I'm told from my boomer family members). I've read somewhere, I don't remember where, that to produce the same amount of wealth that a weeks work did in 50's we would need to work for one day a week, so why the fuck do we have to work so much?

Now everything is just so hard and shitty, how do people even meet? I don't want to bother woman because I'm afraid they will think I'm a creep, I think in the past man had more courage to just hit on girls. Is life just going to your job that you kinda like but nothing more for 60 more years?

Yeah, the USSR made a lot of effort towards not penalizing people for having children. Free daycare, free healthcare, free education, "it takes a village" mentality, etc, etc to the max.

All that shit ended, Russians got tossed headfirst into a pitifully retarded version of capitalism, and now they're wondering why their population is hesitant to breed. They're fairly educated as populations go, which only increases the perceived amount of resources parents are expected to dump into raising a kid - and they're poor to boot.