fresh drama: post wall foids mad chad dared to date someone who is not established and experienced but rather young and attractive.

1  2020-05-20 by hugemongus123


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There's one woman seething in the comments, so I decided to check her profile.

37, single, posts in FDS

It's like watching cope incarnated


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I think you meant to say high value woman letting everyone know she is a queen and should be treated as such.

bonus: she posts about being depressed/suicidal and seethes over her ex posting pictures with his new gf

it's almost too stereotypical to be true, literal NPC

everyone in that thread is past the wall, hence the girl leaving him in the first place

The guy belongs here, his post history is shitting on average redditors

Yea he is low key baiting cope responses, and it seems intentional. But I dont know if anyone is that good of a mastur baiter.

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. fresh drama: post wall foids mad ch... -,

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38% upvote seethe