btfo’d by slicky steve. It’s over for drUMPH

1  2020-05-21 by NlGGABOD_CRANE


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Someone should bring up all the racist and homophobic stuff old stevey boy used to put in his writings of it hasn't been redited to take it out. Like the queer boy killed in 'IT' was able to see him because he and his lover still had the simple minds of children . He wasn't a fan of wipipo enjoying bbc in his short stories either .

The virgin editing out your old opinions vs the Chad naming your cat Niggerman

Lovecraft was the first DeuxChad

I don't say this much, but

DEUXCEL PRIDE worldwide*

He also married a jew, he was the embodiment of the Khazar Milkers meme.

Someone should bring up all the racist and homophobic stuff old stevey boy used to put in his writings

Do it faggot. bring it up no one gives a shit about Stephen King my grandma is dead

Imagine being so fucking stupid to think I'm a Twitter user and also to not remotely comprehend that the cokehead is virtue signalling but has a past that would get him cancelled so he's a hypocrite . I might be a lover of bussy bit at least I have basic comprehension of the posts I comment in

My condolences on the loss of your grandma

Stephen King says “no rights”.

Or, you know, the whole child gangbang scene at the end of it.

Or the way he describes a 12 year old's breasts in one of his newer books

Woah. Hold off on the cringe Stephen.

Why is it that all the Satan followers like @StephenKing are scared of President @realDonaldTrump ? Those who fear him the most are the Hollywood cabal .. 🤔

Q posters are the only good thing to happen on the internet since 2015

imagine not being a Q posting retard 🥴

Stephen King is a Catholic lmao

/r/JesuitWorldOrder the Jews are a distraction from the (((real menace)))

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. btfo’d by slicky steve. It’s over f... -,

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Fuckin’ tell him, Snappy.

chad cartoon reference

damn, the KING freaking pwned drump hard af 😲

"I see orange people!"

(That's from that Steven King book Signs)

truely, a literary genius

My face after i write a 10 page long detailed child orgy in my book about a killer clown.

Does anyone actually care what a washed up nonce of a cokehead has to say about anything?

One of the best writers in the world, ladies and gentlemen. Notice his way with words.


Uh huh huh, The Shining is cool.

Yeah, heh heh, Stanley Kubrick makes like good movies and stuff.