You're missing out, crakkkas

1  2020-05-21 by ProEvilOperations


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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The oppression by hands of perfidious Anglos never seems to end

Imagine how not just physically ugly but psychologically ugly you have to be as a foid to resort to going to third world countries to get laid

Yeah while granny chasers like me are having a hard time on dating site

Fuck this world

Those loose holes aren't going to be filled with regular dick. They seek out the biggest and most malformed, just to get the slightest sense of an old dicking back.

----Ummm I don't wanna brag ummm----

But I never got complaints about this!

granny chasers like me

Literally why


I would lie if I said I don't like the money, little gifts etc

But physical attraction first and grannies are hardly ever afraid in the bedroom, grandma has seen some shits

But physical attraction first

How old are you

37, how that matters?

I figured you were younger

Not as weird then I guess

It makes perfect sense, at some point they figure the obesity will kill them before any std and so there they go white genociding again

The true state of foids. Basically the fds posters in a few years 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol based joggers getting laid and paid

I wouldn't touch a landwhale like that even if I got paid

I will do anything for a shekel my china

Not just a landwhale, a mayo landwhale 🤢

Still beter then all the other foids

Even if this is true, its a foid. This is like saying shit fresh out of an asshole tastea better than shit left out to dry for a day, you're still eating shit. Bussy however is literally like a plate of fresh oysters compared to gussy.

You can still evaluate gussy while being a bussy patrician my dear friend.

You can but it is a futile effort. Observe:

Asian gussy: 0/10

White gussy: 0/10

Black gussy: 0/10

Hispanic gussy: 0/10

Muslim gussy: 0/10

Any kind of bussy: 6,000,000/10

damn 6 million seems a little high! thats just me though

You're right it is kinda high. Maybe 200,000/10?

There’s literally a German movie about this

I thought were gonna censor the tits at the end 🤮🤮🤮

I wonder what radfems have to say about this

r/femaledatingstrategy posters basically 🤣


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  1. You're missing out, crakkkas -,

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Are they OK with female identifying dudes? Asking for a friend

You get em Tiger


Those are the white women Tyrone pumped and dumped.

They can't leave without bbc anymore.

A really sad story.

I got on the YouTube channel and started teasing them about fcking beach whales, they were really mad at first but I had a point and offered to buy them scooters...then we all laughed...

This reminds me of when I recently threw away some electronics into the regular trash bin. I can't afford to pay the extra fee, sorry Greta.

These women are like my trash. They aswell, ended up in Africa.

Bongistan is a mistake. Hopefully the Pakis who are currently colonizing it will create a better society.

Inshallah they shall make that Place straighten up

Gigolos in popular imagination:

A robot that looks like Jude Law sweet talking an attractive 38 year old housewife in a first world liberal democracy telling her she's beautiful or something, I dunno, I haven't seen that movie in literally 30 years.

Gigolos in real life:

A Boko Haram scam artist named Leon Sumbitches (pronounced som-bee-chey) taking a money order from a 250 lbs woman from East Anglia and literally leaving her stranded on a random beach in Africa while she looks around saying "oi where's my date innit"

250 lbs is 113.5 kg


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Happens in Asia too lol

Old British women? More power to them

Our Kings in Africa be doin it rite. From da bronx to oakland, mayos must pay to get dicked down by da BBC.

Our African queens geddit fo free tho 😏😏😂


Sex work is real work!!! 🐋😍

Then those fat women get AIDS and lose weight (might improve their life expectancy overall).

be hardworking young dude from poor country

No opportunity due to corruption and lack of good education institutions and industry

Service and farming jobs pay shit

Gotta hustle to invest or move to better opportunity

Hear about lucrative job

Tell yourself that the sacrafice is worth it as you struggle to dick down an obese Bong retiree

And y'all say Americans are bad
