
4  2020-05-21 by pandeyji_ka_ladka


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Is it actually true that PETA kills dogs?

yeah they execute like 97% of the animals they take in or something. It's pretty based

How else are they going to minimize animal suffering? It's the retards breeding dogs they can't find a home for that's the problem.

Skynet had it right all along. It's over for utilitariancels.

wtf i love PETA now

Peta is a front for people that like killing animals.

Killing animals for no reason is unbased

Go back to monke posting bigit!


Sorry sweaty, I'm not gay.

The monke tide will swallow you

Not if I swallow your cum first, brother.

Yes, they kill an overwhelming majority of the animals they claim to be rescuing.

I aspire to run an orphanage like that some day.

Maybe in Haiti

Based and Clintonpilled

Based. They should euthanize pibble owners and (most) dog breeders too

They take in animals that “no kill” shelters refuse due to needing to keep the numbers low to maintain the no kill status. Plus they give free euthanasia to poors who need their pet put down

That's pretty much just "outsource kill" rather than "no kill," but I can see why euthanasia is needed here. No one in the right mind is going to adopt a shitbull that'll maul kids, cats, and other dogs.

No one in the right mind

may I introduce you to the common mayo foid?

Most abandonned dogs are pibbles. You make the math.

I hope she at least gave him a blowie before putting him down

Hmmm. Large head. Small folded ears. Looks to be about 50 to 60 lbs relative to the average woman. Thats a pibble. Going to have to side with PETA on this one.

Based PETA

You can also always tell shitbulls from the skull; the little valley in the top to where its head looks like it could wear a bra.

Canine phrenology.

and just as valid as the human one


if it can wear a bra that imply you could put your dick inbetween whatever the bra is holding

This nigga ain’t tried to tittyfuck someone with less than a D cup

no i was just saying i want to fuck the pibbles head

based pibbleheadfucker

60 lbs is 27.24 kg

Fuck off commie


Fuckin nerd

Imperialcel seethe

Imperial is better because it has feet

Footfags are below weebs

Finally someone translates it into real metrics

Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?


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7 days?? Nigger peta does it the same day they take them. Gotta get them p.r. photos 1st though.

That poor dog spent those last 7 days being sexually exploited by that mayofoid.