Actual Question

0  2020-05-21 by Vxncenzo

How can I get myself self banned from this site? Like i’m talking about actually getting my account permanently banned. I don’t want to deactivate my account because I still want people to see my posts (you can still see posts and comments from banned redditors, but you just cant check their profile). I dont want to use this faggot site anymore. Any suggestions DeuxChads?


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.


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go into AHS and post goatse or tubgirl links.

I guess thats a good way to get myself banned. But wouldn’t that just get me banned from AHS subreddit instead of the whole site in general. I posted a pic of a guy sucking his own cock in r/aww, and that only got the jannies of that sub to ban me from that specific sub.

Okay okay good point.

Start fren related subs or any other ban evasion sub.. start about 10 of them all at once.

I should actually do that. I should make a bunch of subs that go against reddits TOS so that I could get banned. Hopefully people can still see my previous posts. There was this one user who used to post based content that you still view.But now if you go on on one of his posts and click on his profile, it wont load (which indicates that he got banned). Hopefully the same happens with me

Put a bot on your account and abuse their API.

Or just run shreddit and quit being a whiny loser about it

Thanks for the suggestions fellow DeuxChad.


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