Rogan has returned to monke why won't you

4  2020-05-21 by boyoyoyoyong


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All natty bro now try my supplements bro they’re made from berries n shit please bro

psychopath move leaving the tag on the Titos

— An alcoholic.

100% drug free

he looks like a cartoon midget

Another garbage post not linking to drama

You (soyboy):

"Another garbage post not linking to drama."

Me (Deuxchad):


I thought he was ripped lmao

he just looks like me after too many cookies

He has muscle, but with fat. He isn't lean.

He actually is very lean with subcutaneous fat, but he has visceral fat and swollen organs due to "HGH gut."

I have the same guy and was never on hgh. It's probably insulin resistance and testosterone.

We don't have the true TMNT shell for a gut.

Nor am I

The man is 52 though.

Draw the green lines

Oohk aa AAAH AH ok

He needs somewhere to store all that venison

this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


  1. Rogan has returned to monke why won... -,

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Look Snappy, returning to monke is something that we can all aspire to, so sit your mouth.

Don't you DARE insult her!