Imitation is flattery

4  2020-05-21 by uroboris


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I always knew rightoids and leftoids were engaged in a longform game of sexual tension

Imagine being a straight conservative man and not wanting to fuck AOC's brains out.

Inb4 some smoothbrain goes "She has no brains hurrdurr"

I would fuck the shit out of her feet and those free range organic milkers

her tits are massive 10/10

Not as big as Abby Shapiro's.

kaizer milkers commie mommy milkers and blumpf milkers are all very nice ngl

Khazar milkers, Commie Mommy milkers, and Melania Milkers all in the same bed.

Noah couldn't save us from that flood, Moses couldn't part that sea, and Jesus couldn't walk on all that delicious mommy milk.

Or Nancy Pelosiโ€™s

ew, jew milkers.

ok i want them


I need to get me some khazar mommy milkers ๐Ÿ˜

conservative man

race mixing


Iโ€™d happily discard my pure angloid bloodline for a quick go on her milkies

you must be a zoomer. millennials and genxers are balls deep in southeast asian trussy while not paying fucking taxes at the same time

I'm a straight conservative man and I don't find brown women to be attractive, so there's that.

I never understood the circlejerk about her, her looks are nothing special at all.

She looks like a donkey with tits. So yeah... she is a fuck for me.

But you find brown men attractive

i want to fuck ilhan towelhead omar until she starts reciting the lord's prayer

The fact that leftoids keep stealing rightoid memes tells me that the Right can meme, not as well as me, but still.

That's because most of the favorite rightoid hangout spots used to be radical centrist shitposting centrals up until a while ago.

After getting taken over - like old /pol/ was by stormfags - a lot of those places' original population just pussied out, but the ones that didn't took to spoonfeeding the rightoids nice memes that will inevitably get stolen by the leftoids later.

sure the yahtzees themselves cant be funny IMPOSSIBLE! must be centrists feeding them the material from a secret hangout

They arenโ€™t funny ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I know that. Rightoid memes are nothing but forced edginess. I know centrist memes get edgy, but there's truth in them that we notice afterward. /r/cringeanarchy and /r/watchredditdie was good before they became MDE extensions.


when your idealogy is discount zionists LARPing as retarded SJWs or clowns or frogs or whatever but it's OK because your reposts that are remakes of dead memes from like 2017 are less edited than ones made by deformed tankies



extremist centrism is the only right answer


Words are one of the only things I like about lefties.

Dabk ememes

the law of $CURRENTYEAR

It hasn't changed for years.

This is why we need Islam.


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Praise Allah, brother ๐Ÿ™

username checks out

say ameen right now




This might be, or is, the best meme representing the two schools of thought.

The Left owns the culture

The Right own the youth

The young make the memes. Left memes are basically r/FellowKids

the right owns the youth

Yeah sure pal

American youths are addicted to masturbating and the most unhealthy ones are becoming troids


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what the fuck are you talking about lmfao.

Are you really laughing your fucking ass off?

Yes. I replied to you 6 minutes ago and in that 6 minutes in which i could not stop lauhging i metaphorically did laugh my good as my good sir. You win the internet today i tip my hat to you kind stranger. Bazinga.

Ouch. You got me with the Bazinga, my lady

r/rightcantmeme reposts pretty good memes

They're all boomer comics i don't see no memes

Right: Gay

Left: Gay

Me gay. Checkmate libtard.

for real though is there a left wing meme sub thatโ€™s actually funny?



No idea about maymays but some lefttubers are funny.

There is no meme sub that is actually funny, period. Just different grades of retarded.