Yes hello good morning

1  2020-05-22 by TotallynotBobSaget


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Eh, looking at that face and pose it's clear that's she's handicapped/retarded, so I'll allow it. For all we know she spent years trying to make a very basic drawing.

I think she suffers from chronic constipation. I only wish she got more upvotes, for bravely soldiering on through her daily struggle.

Bro, rude... she’s asian

The more things change the more they stay the same

Nice way of getting out of drawing the other eye

judging by the position of the visible eye, that's one hammerhead-shark looking vidya foid.

This guy arts. Fuck drawing eyes. That's why I stopped drawing at age 12.

Lol love how the painting is like 1/3rd of the screen and her face is half of it

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. Yes hello good morning -,

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The drawing isn't even good. It looks like it was done by a child.

I can't draw this and I'm an adult...

Maybe when they've got a cure for severe Parkinsons' disease you'll be able to

What did she mean by this?

head perks up “huuh? Did i read that correctly...? I could of sworn... let me read that again...” eyes open wide and mouth gapes “its true.. it says right there.. You’re a lady... ON REDDIT???” eyes dart down to my lap as I start pondering “that means she has b-b-b-BOOBIES?????” I start sweating nervously as my breathing increases “and...and... she has a... oh dear I can’t even think about it... she has a...a... a BUTTOCKS???????” my hands are visibly shaking as i bring them up to my temples and cradle my head “oh dear... oh my lord... this can’t be true... if she’s really a woman... then she has... oh heavens above...” my heart is visibly beating out of my chest, and my face turns bright red she must have... a... my body completely enters fight-or-flight mode, adrenaline courses through my veins, and I lose control of my higher reasoning skills “SHE HAS A HECKIN VAGOOBER!!!!!” I scream so loud foamy saliva bursts out of my mouth, covering my Attack on Titan funkopop collection. I feel my heart rupture in my chest, and I fall out of my gaming chair onto the floor. As my vision darkens, one final thought crosses my mind “but who will moderate my subreddits when I’m gone...?” I let out a small whimper as my body goes limp

10k upvotes for such a casual garbage piece of ((art)).

Is.... Is that a female girl?

Raw in the booty

good morning

what wit does eyes, u chinese or sumthin?

Y'alled because y'all cannot simp enough

every time.

lol nice catch

Herro and how are you doing on this good morning