wtf I stan Twtich deer power jannie now

1  2020-05-22 by Rosey9898


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Don’t forget whatever that thing wants to be called’s meth habit.

He looks like he has fucked up genetics. Like, I'm not saying that cripples are not human/sub-human but it definitely seems like there are lower forms of human life. Just look at his face and the way his mouth and neck are postured. I mean, we could blame soy but I think this is just a defective human.

I mean, if this were medieval times and survival of this fitest was in full-swing, he would have died off from some kind of polio/flu/plague. Either that or burned at the stake for witchcraft.

Basically what I'm saying is that his only saving grace is antibiotics/medical tech and factory farming. Without that, it would have meant certain childhood death.

cripples are not human/sub-human but it definitely seems like there are lower forms of human life.

Of course, it's not human. It's a deer, bigot. 💅🏽

but I think this is just a defective human.

If that was the case, then his father should have known better about it, since he's an upper class rich 🤑 doctor. If it weren't for your bigotry, then you wouldn't have complained about a biological man identifying as a female human who identifies as a male deer. It just makes more sense to me, considering the amounts of deranged folks I've encountered on the internet for the last two years. But yeah maybe it's either soy or actual defects , or the meth. It's up to PETA to handle this case, not Deuxcels.

Well, maybe the defect is not in his lineage, but in the actual DNA. Maybe his mother was exposed to some sort of chemical during pregnancy that caused a bad copy of DNA to take place. Either that or it's not genetic at all, and some other environmental factor. Anyway, I'm reaching really far to make a joke where I call this trans dude a retard but I think you get the point

that things dad is a doctor? Damn

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. wtf I stan Twtich deer power jannie... -,

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So that's the final evolution of the soyboy pokemon

I wonder if (((ADL))) did this to our soyim

Mandatory injections of soy infused estrogens

Estrogens, not even once!!!

wtf does that even mean lmao

(((The tribe))) sent this deer to oppress g*ymers on twitch

ADL was founded to help get a Jewish child rapist out of jail


Just Google Leo Frank