yt pipo can't jog with us no more

1  2020-05-22 by tallcelvolcel


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. yt pipo can't jog with us no more -,

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”...people who imagine history flatters them (as it does, indeed, since they wrote it) are impaled on their history like a butterfly on a pin and become incapable of seeing or changing themselves, or the world. This is the place in which, it seems to me, most white Americans find themselves. Impaled. They are dimly, or vividly, aware that the history they have fed themselves is mainly a lie, but they do not know how to release themselves from it, and they suffer enormously from the resulting personal incoherence...”

Yeah only white people have a glossed over version of their history in their heads cause for us it’s true when we say WE WUZ KANGZ

didn't read it all but it seemed like a rather large cope, as they call it in the business

"old videos" from 5 minutes prior showing the exact crime commission the people who attempted to arrest the blackoid said he was doing (breaking and entering)

Demanding reparations Yeah we have given them for decades it's called welfare there's a whole culture that is specifically supported by it and takes advantage of it.

We wunt get houra reperetions until all wypipo be killed n shieet βœŠπŸΏβœŠπŸΏπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

I fucking hate people who quote poems/prose as if it proves any goddamn point.

We just have to make sure that they suffer alone, in the dark, away from all our beautiful Black bodies

Sounds great to me, I agree.