Racism Abound😤 as Cracker Cunts🤢 Pretend they Built Civilization🕋 Rather Than Strong Melanated Men🙏🏿!

3  2020-05-22 by FroppyHoppyMyFloppy


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When you find out that women created agriculture and as such are responsible for any development made in the past 10.000 years and that men ultimately are fucking retarded and have lied about being the inventive sex and necessary for technological and scientific development is when you get really, really angry.


It’s probably true. Working with plants was foid work back in the day.

They probably didn’t see the inevitable result of them becoming human incubators for the next few thousand years as a result.


They wish their foid ancestors killed all the prehistoric moids... That sub really is a gathering of geniuses

"we lost the moment agriculture came into play"

The foids are returning to monke

No they think they would still be here and not replaced my monke.

Ted is smiling at us from his cell

And they say foids aren't funny

I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


  1. Racism Abound😤 as Cracker Cunts🤢 Pr... - archive.org, archive.today

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WTF based, shits hilarious, most priviliged yurugus on the planet and still mad they aren't Chad.

> feminism

Yikes have sex femcel