Living on Tutorial Island mode

1  2020-05-23 by SSoylent


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Foids never deserved rights

real talk are these ppl actually autistic? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


  1. Living on Tutorial Island mode -,

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probably the second best reason to transition tbh

the best one?

free and regular dilation

Just imagine shooting pus and pube balls out of your festering wound πŸ˜³πŸ˜‹πŸ˜

she sent him 6 bucks, then a few weeks later he sends her $106 in return.

everyone in that thread saying 'wow, aren't people nice??' with their heads in the sand.

don't worry, tomorrow, the /r/twox post that makes the front page will be back to MAN BAD

When men do good things it's just people begin decent people which is the absolute minimum anyway and you shouldn't expect people being that way to you in return despite it being the absolute minimum requirement as per reddit council

When men don't do good things, when men as much as think "bad" things, all men are absolute scum

Reddit hates women though. At least according to soys and women in normie subs.

Zero self awareness.

Reddit must be my street name or sumn😎

reddit hates women

I wish πŸ˜”

When men do bad things, when men as much as think "bad" things, all men are absolute scum


TwoXtraChromosomes is one of the least self-aware subs I've seen

All the feminists and far-left/soy subs are full of people with zero self awareness.

Im sure thats just a coincidence.

true story I played into some simp I met on grindrs fantasies for a few days and he sent me $200 on paypal.

brb catfishing queers

this ones more embarrassing but I also unironically sold some weird old guy 3 pairs of my underwear for $150

Buy 5 pairs of underwear for $10 -> wear them for a week, dont worry about shitting in them -> sell them off for $200 (it's $50 per pair but I offer a bulk discount) -> buy next weeks pairs with my profits -> never have to pay for plumbing or laundry ever again.


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That's king shit right there. Especially if it had skid marks


Some guy recently paid me $25 for dick pics, and I say why not, I had already taken them and DMed them to queen taytay πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ

deuxchad with dick so big ppl pay to see it, not surprised

Have sex incel

nice try j*w

what is "incel"?


opposite of Excel

I guess this world can't be saved, humanity should be wiped

what's venmo'd?

Venmo is like zoomer paypal, so it means "sent money to me"

I got 99 woodcutting tutorial island only on my tutorial island locked UIM 😳😳😳

That's aids. Now do fishing and cooking simultaneously.