TERFs cope and seethe at trussy pill truth bombs

1  2020-05-23 by dabbedonp


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What does the flair gussy mean

What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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real talk are these ppl actually autistic? 🤔🤔🤔


  1. TERFs cope and seethe at trussy pil... - archive.org, archive.today

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Fuck i was gonna comment that

non-autist cope

Also trans women cook 3 course meals every day from scratch, bathe and put the screeching kids from another mother/father/whatever to bed whilst you're gaming, bring you fresh beers when you're wanking on cis teens getting destroyed by their step fathers, walk the howling shitting everywhere dog on command, clean your entire appartment on all fours with a toothbrush and bleach, wash your shit/coom stained underwear manually in the sink, "nag" you every single day and hour to wear a mask and wash your hands/face/groin/feet, listen attentively to every story about the 5th Karen entitled feminazi c**nt who friendzoned you today; and then when you're at work they finally have the time to bleach their assholes, pump their moobs with saline; and nuke their beard/jawlines/back hair/testicles to shreds with your money.

Uwu. Best deal eveeeer.

Baste and schizobussypilled

Is this supposed to be a pro and con list?

Just a pro list.

Real talk tho wouldn't the OnlyFans cost more since it's a smaller niche and less competition

MUCH lower demand

There’s less dudes into trannies than this esteemed community would like to admit

Better at sports too

TERFS mad x24 valid kweeens out do them in every physical aspect

Its a bit sad that that sub has become exactly like all the other radfem subs.

f word

What do you mean by that

only get emotional sometimes


I've never seen a group of people, not even joggers, more prone to chimpouts than trannies.

its the chemical hormones they down by the liter all while blocking their natural hormones

having a hard time debunking this one boss

I'm trying😢 to get me some trans🤖 pussy🐱💦. Like shit💩it ain't natural🌱 but that coochie😛💦 be custom👌 built🤖. Probably got some🤟velvet😍 heated🔥 interiors. Auto😤 lavander-scented🌸 lube dispensers💦 so that coochie🐱 staying wet🌊 but not smelling🤢 like a zoo. Little robo🤖 hands🙌 that reach👋 out and craddle🤲😍 your balls🏀⚾ while you hamming🔨 on that pseudo-snatch. A drain💧 vacuum for all👍 the nuts🍆💦 you blast💥 in there so you ain't🌀🌪️stirring your own porridge🥣 for round 2🤢. You guys🙎‍♂️ be hating😪 on trans🌈 because that🐱 pussy be transforming👾 your life.

So, deuxcels, how can you not like trannies?

Are you a rightoid?

  • hormone blockers essentially sterilize an entire generation of gays
  • strong bones
  • easy to spot therefore easy to not associate with
  • you can fuck bussy while having a legitimate argument that you're not gay

Are you a gayoid?

  • strong bones
  • it's still bussy
  • propel multiple steps up the opression hierarchy by being an ally
  • effective replacement for women
  • piss off people you don't like

Are you a dramatoid?

  • multiple chimpouts and autistic tantrums every day to enjoy
  • troll people by using a bunch of newspeak around gender
  • very polite and only get emotional sometimes
  • strong bones

Wtf I love trannies now

The trans "woman" likes anal because he's got a prostate. And he'll politely threaten to beat you to death with a baseball bat for being a TERF. Truly they are better at being women than we are


-are mentally ill -have low self-esteem -gorilla arms -wide ass shoulders -ugly face

is what a wannabe monkey would say


Virgin trussy Vs the Chad bussy