I love being a dude

1  2020-05-23 by Joker_IRL_2020


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A while ago I got so drunk I almost told my friend of 10 years that I appreciated him and our friendship. That shit turns u gay I guess, haven’t had a drink since

How did his sperm taste?

Rlly good

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based

Nice. Good job bro

I had gotten high off of assorted plastic bottles and paint I'd burned and huffed and almost told my friend I liked his shirt. It does turn you gay

again? the 85th time in 2 days? do yall have actual dementia

This is a dementia positive subreddit, please respect that.



Yikes, yall are really racist. Lets unpack this, yall

I'm proud to support a special needs subreddit

You can't truly say you have male friends if they don't call you a retarded nigger faggot.

Stfu homo

Ok retarded faggot nigga

You guys are so cute 🥰😊

YAYAYAY I just found a meme from a decade ago and now i'm going to remake it in wojak so people think it's original! Give me karma now pls thanks

I don’t care if it’s original content.

Average redditor

Average redditor

you just posted cringe bro

You think this it's cringe to call someone out for stealing a 2011 meme?

I think I'm on the wrong subreddit to do that though, feels like this is just another r/dankmemes. I'm outta here




boys lockerroom vs girls lockrom hahah girls bad

Yes. Yes they are.

unironic agree

Gussy 🤮

Cool story, bro


  1. I love being a dude - archive.org, archive.today

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Literally a ragecomic

Reject modernity

Return to tradition

m o n k e


We’ve gone full circle many times in terms of memes

The fate of all maymays.

Rage comics are cool again

Rage comics suck because they became mainstream like the day after they came out and normies drove them into the ground, there isn't anything wrong with the format.

Reeeeee normies am I right


Embrace tradition

2005 facebook called, it want's its joke back

2001 called, it wants its twin towers back

Prehistory called, it wants monke back.

embrace tradition


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I like how homo and faggot aren’t censored but fuckers is

Made me genuinely smile. 😊

NOOOOOOO... you can't just use an old rage comic and remake it with chads and wojaks

All the comments are seething mfs