Is there a historical figure more based than Ted Kaczynski?

1  2020-05-24 by built_for_DRG

And I'm referring to Theodore John Kaczynski with the Masters of Mathematics and Doctorate of Mathematics (with the complex analysis and geometric function theory) equipped with his mail bombs and control of the US postal system and American Airlines, a complete anarcho-primitivist, with Henry A. Murray’s LSD torture experiment implanted in his mind so he can become radicalised and anonymously release Industrial Society and Its Future as well as being extremely skilled in bomb making and electronic detonation devices.


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  1. Is there a historical figure more b... -,

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What sub is this from??

Uncle Adolph tried to stop the current year 80 years ago. He was also a decent painter and great at burning books

Awful at warfare tho, couldn't even beat Frogs and Bongistanis

Daddy Idi Amin


I think there was one bong king who kept chopping off heads of chicks he would smash seems pretty based.

Gavrilo Princip

Guy faux