Our friendly fellow redditor made a list of all the chad subs to follow

1  2020-05-24 by todayIwillHam


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. Our friendly fellow redditor made a... - archive.org, archive.today

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Imagine being an electronic janny

Went through looking for new subs but most of those are pretty normie like does anyone stay awake at night terrorized at the existence of a sub with 10 members?

Most are 2016 antisjw shit and for some reason blackpeopletwitter lmao


what did they mean by this?

Most of the subs aren't Chad.



A sub pointing out that China and India is to blame for the world's pollution?

This list was made by a retarded tranny janny child.

Why r/blackpeopletwitter It looks pretty woke to me

r/DeuxRAMA is not on the list, yet - let's give them a reason to change that, insh'Allah!



He actually fell for it.

I never understood why people want to (((shut it down))) when they see/read stuff that they disagree or feel uncomfortable with. Deleting it isn't going to sway or change anyone's opinions or ideology. There's lots of stuff I disagree with, but I don't try to censor it. Literally just go about your day and ignore it. Like turn the fucking computer off and go outside hahaha.