the reason he stands this way

1  2020-05-24 by Matthew1J


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this is on so many levels of irony I cant even count them

its post ironic le drumph has le big dick XD, which is funny itself if you pretend the original poster meant it and laugh at them

and then theres the extra layers of irony of this being posted to r/therightcantmeme by a seething leftoid who has literally not understood it

I swear people on that sub don't know what the fuck a meme is.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum congue quam at fringilla. Integer non ullamcorper mauris, volutpat viverra erat. Nunc nunc felis, efficitur ut efficitur a, ultrices vitae ipsum. Proin libero leo, scelerisque sed faucibus in, hendrerit in massa. Nunc feugiat quis diam non volutpat. Suspendisse malesuada venenatis arcu, in aliquam nunc malesuada ac. Nulla facilisi. Aenean orci magna, tincidunt id nisi sed, fringilla dapibus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean vehicula libero sit amet tortor vehicula molestie.

Duis feugiat vel metus in dapibus. Aliquam et est luctus, vulputate velit vitae, tempus sapien. Integer odio arcu, aliquet non vulputate sit amet, condimentum in diam. Mauris rutrum magna quis lacus finibus cursus. Suspendisse eleifend libero ex, quis aliquet metus efficitur et. Maecenas eleifend quam a justo malesuada sodales. Pellentesque volutpat, arcu sit amet pharetra iaculis, leo quam posuere nibh, et suscipit augue quam ut risus. Integer faucibus non justo eu finibus. Fusce eget justo odio. Aenean in purus tortor. Nullam sed nulla non ipsum mattis semper sed sed libero. Nulla sed nisl pretium, interdum nisl ac, luctus ipsum. Nulla cursus erat in velit accumsan, vitae laoreet ipsum condimentum. Suspendisse imperdiet neque magna, eget dapibus arcu scelerisque nec. Vestibulum sit amet rutrum ante. Nullam suscipit lacus neque, vel dignissim leo rhoncus eget.

Etiam hendrerit diam eget diam viverra elementum. Etiam mauris eros, pulvinar sit amet enim quis, bibendum aliquam nunc. Vestibulum a nunc quam. Nam iaculis mauris ut neque elementum euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed lectus sed diam scelerisque facilisis id ultricies arcu. Mauris commodo id nisi in finibus. Aenean lacinia, ante ut mattis commodo, diam mi laoreet quam, et egestas magna lacus ut leo. Mauris velit turpis, imperdiet et nulla tincidunt, fringilla dapibus dui.

Sed lectus diam, pretium quis iaculis at, vulputate eget tortor. Fusce posuere blandit elit, ac viverra nibh bibendum in. Sed semper odio ut enim placerat luctus ac a augue. Fusce ultricies elit at neque malesuada, at eleifend eros fermentum. Quisque vel eros orci. Praesent mi dui, auctor id viverra ac, commodo at velit. Sed condimentum, diam eu rutrum vehicula, libero magna pharetra metus, in tempus mi leo vitae sem. In ultricies vehicula enim, consectetur condimentum elit ultricies in. Vestibulum tincidunt gravida libero nec hendrerit. Donec quis elit id erat iaculis fringilla vitae gravida erat. Sed venenatis accumsan vulputate. Fusce dapibus diam id ligula porta molestie. Fusce ultrices dolor a luctus dictum. Proin eu ornare tortor, vel porttitor neque.

Vivamus hendrerit velit eu pulvinar fringilla. Maecenas sodales neque eu nibh elementum, at vulputate enim pharetra. Donec ultrices eget ligula eu varius. In dictum ultricies egestas. Donec mollis erat nec bibendum varius. In vulputate interdum sem, id mollis nulla aliquet eget. Ut consectetur ornare ipsum. Vestibulum eleifend sed ante quis tempor. Donec lobortis commodo elementum. Sed vehicula varius dolor et rutrum. Cras aliquam diam in scelerisque eleifend.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot.

aight fosho

They think a meme is when you use the phrase “trans rights”

This is the worst Ben Garrison comic I've ever seen

I know we need more labels

He's leaning front because his dick n balls are too big🤤🤤 Zion Don how about you share that for the rest of us instead for Israel

those bitch tits tho 😋😋😋

Oh no

Giga cope

more mass in the front would require him to lean backward to maintain balance

have you never lifted anything?

He's got really dense glutes


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You don’t think trump’s fat meaty ass works as a more than equal counterweight to his prodigious daddy stick?


well i mean what can you expect from a rightoid


Why is he hard

After Biden declared himself king nigger Trump’s poll numbers among kangs went up to 4% 🤤🍆💦

Very based political analysis, keep up the good work!✊🌹

Oranj man bussy 🤤🤤

lmao that sub accidentally posts hilarious shit sometimes which just helps right wing memes gain traction

imagine being them

I’m not a rightoid but this meme made me laugh. It’s like the people on that sub cannot grasp ironic humor. You can’t just find this funny; you have to be a drumphf supporter to laugh at funny penis line meme

Same. I don’t have to agree with the people making something to find that something funny.

I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. the reason he stands this way -,

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The saddest thing is that even when dissing their opponents they have to copy them. The left right can't meme, guys! Lol, aren't we funny and original.

love green line meme


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do they just pretend to be out of touch?


Does being left wing make you automatically unable to get it?

Is this achievable natty?

It's funny because retards keep unironically making up theories on why he leans like that but ignore the fact that the picture is not even aligned correctly with visible landmarks.

why are they all so obsessed with his dick size

How quickly they forget how all the major politics subs spent a good week doing exactly that after that one interview with Stormy Daniels.

"I can't believe this was posted unironically."

Top comment on that sub. What a bunch of tards.


📸 *SNAP*

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All I see here are rightoids being closet homos

Stop being redundant faggot

Imagine being str*ight

Lame and gay... this channel is done. Rightoids are the end of it.


"What? This subreddit isn't one of the five million lefty wefty circlejerk subreddits on this website? Dam lol this sub really has gone to shit I've been here since day one I remember when this sub was good"

Fantasising about trump's dick surely is showing to them what they are losing for being lefty circlejerking places. Totally owning the libs.

It's the most obvious joke imaginable bro

It's a joke you humorless fag


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have sex

Has everything about this sub gone straight over your head for this long?


nigger this isn't IRC.

What a humorless retard you are, posting this in a sub about comedians whose best bits are channeling rightwing viewpoints. Go shit up /r/drama with more submissions crying about agendaposts.