Men, teach your sons not to go FULL INCEL.

1  2020-05-24 by a-wild-autist


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She admits she was in Party Chat, which probably means one of her friends was the "full incel" and the other friends were the "white knights"

Sounds set up/fake to me


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If you spent as much time trying to get pussy as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.


  1. Men, teach your sons not to go FULL... -,

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I guarantee you the guy is an unfunny sperg who sounds like a cross between Mandark and Spongebob and starts autistic screeching when he hears a girl. Hence why the others started ripping on him.

This has nothing to do with feminism and "changing times", unfunny autists always get dunked on in voice chat.

Yes, that could have been a reasonable explanation if this story was not just fake

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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He was silenced pretty quick by this group of fantastic gentlemen

supreme gentlemen

Sounds like 3 chromosomes to me ngl