Subreddit Relationships by User Overlap. AgainstHateSubreddits vs. ConsumeProduct

1  2020-05-24 by supaplex_


LMAO incelswithouthate, deuxchads on suicide watch. Our community is in danger brothers!

Unbased inkwells out out out! No true bussy believer would ever associate with such weakness.

reddit is a product and r/againsthatesubreddits is a sub dedicated to improving's share price so it makes sense those two would have polar opposite users

of course a real deuxchad is subscribed to both, even if xe is banned from one

Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.


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Too many rightoids in this sub. This is why it's shit now.