long liv lenin

1  2020-05-24 by Burdiez


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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1943 Communists :

"Comrades , once more we are about to fight the Teutonic Fascist hordes in this hell on earth called Kharkov. Their tanks may be better than ours , but our courage is also made of steel ,in case you happen to survive remember for what you are giving your life for , remember the motherland , remember your families. And if you witness cowardice and desertion among your own brothers , eliminate the traitors as if they were stinking fascists and keep moving forward until you either die or reach the Reichstag and burn it to the ground !!!"

2020 Chapo :

"I can't take this anymore , Drumpf and his lackeys need to be stopped by force if necessary. Problem is if we do this , I'm going to need a supply of my anxiety medication, i can't do without it. Plus my girlfriend is in mid transition right now and we won't be able to pay for her HRT without the stimulus check. Remember guys , stay home, stay safe."

I like how WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS was a thing for leftists even in wwii

bruh every historical document is WORDS WORDS WORDS

Veni, vidi, vici ๐Ÿ˜ค

This is why Romans were the peak of civilization

Another favorite is the classic spartan If

We reproduce here a letter that Harry Whyte (a British Communist Party member) wrote to Stalin in May 1934, in which Whyte posed the question: โ€œcan a homosexual be considered someone worthy of membership in the Communist Party?โ€.

At the time, Whyte (himself homosexual) was working in Moscow at the Moscow Daily News. When he heard about the new law, he wrote a letter to Stalin asking him how he could justify it. Whyte pointed out how the new law was cancelling all the progress that had been made on such matters since the October Revolution.

Found in the Soviet archives, on the first page of the letter is a note written by Stalin:

โ€œArchive. An idiot and a degenerate. J. Stalin.โ€

S Source Please? So I can own my stalinist discord guildie retard

Wuv u ๐Ÿ’“

Zdravstvuyte komissar? Is this the Central Committee of Based? I'd like to speak to the General Secretariat.

Central planing commitee of basedness has decided that more basedness will be produced within the next five year plan. you are welcome Tovarish.

Based stalin


Hell yeah

Lmao pretty funny Stalin.

So even in 1934 there were homosexual western Europeans larping as commies.

Anglos can ruin anything it seems.

Based Brospeh Stalin.

I hate how no one posts drama here anymore but this is actually a good post

That's because this sub has kind of become the new MDEfugee hangout.

Das rite

Flairless idiot

shut it crakkka

Shut the fuck up you waste of your dadโ€™s jizz

seethe cope dilate cringe based doomer coomer zoomer


Waaah MDEfugees!!!!

Is that why it's so much better than arr drama?




Nah those 2 issues are unrelated.

The new what?

No it isn't. This is the new BSSugeee hangout.

Damn memories.

We took this from you

That's Deuxrama, baby!

Reject modernity, embrace tradition.

Reject tradition, embrace monkey

Reject monkey, embrace monke

ooo ooo aaa aaa

sniff huff

Reject monke, embrace tetrapod.

Rightoids LARP as 1920 commies. Horseshoe theory is infallible

Totally accurate comparison ๐Ÿ™„ leftoidcope.jpg


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^ This is ur brain on ideology ๐Ÿ˜‚

in 2070, rightoids are going to be larping asbluehaired tranny vegans - while the normies are having underage canine sex parties, hooked up to wireless dopamine transmitters, putting in work at the mental factory to support a few thousand "chosen" black bulls.

In terms of values they might actually be closer.

1917 commies missing the long nose

Good, nice post to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


  1. long liv lenin - archive.org, archive.today

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More like they shit on someone who trolled their tranny discord with a trans joke.

Communists in 1875:

The starting-point of this circulation is commodity-capital; C' = C + c = P + c. The function of commodity-capital C' โ€” M' (the realisation of the capital-value contained in it equals P, which now exists as the constituent part C of C', as well as of the surplus-value contained in it, which exists as a constituent part of the same quantity of commodities and has the value c) was examined in the first form of the circuit. But there this function formed the second phase of the interrupted circulation and the concluding phase of the entire circuit. Here it forms the second phase of the circuit but the first phase of the circulation. The first circuit ends with M', and since M' as well as the original M can again open the second circuit as money-capital, it was not necessary at first to see whether M and m (surplus-value) contained in M' continue in their course together or whether each of them pursues its own course. This would only have become necessary if we had followed up further the first circuit in its renewed course. But this point must be decided in the circuit of the productive capital, because the determination of its very first circuit depends on it and because C' โ€” M' appears in it as the first phase of the circulation, which has to be complemented by M โ€” C. It depends on this decision whether the formula represents simple reproduction or reproduction on an extended scale. The character of the circuit changes according to the decision made.

Communists in 2020:

Marx said trans rights uwu

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

I am a bot.

This but the second quote is twice as long as the first one

-14c is a mild winter day where im from...

Fucking Midwest amirite

-14 ? Those are rookie numbers!

Make Communism Great Again

Reject the blue hairs

Chad OG Commies would put the blue hair virgin โ€œI want free shitโ€ commies against that wall, and rightfully so

Real shit

-14? Bitch please Spetznaz HALO jumped into the arctic in February this year. To show up CANADA. We hit -40 on the regular. You must be from merica

Seriously lol I hate my fellow leftists these days. Who gives a fuck about troomers


Post this to r/altdogelore

I need a version of this that says "they post police dog in /r/DogsWithJobs"