Reddit shames young student for turning his teacher into a viral dildo sensation, and ends up having to get a lawyer

1  2020-05-24 by ShemaleSlammer


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Of course the degenerate feminists at AITA would side with the teacher showing her sex toys to minors.

Just imagine their reactions if some king happened to have his fleshlights in the background of the zoom classroom he was teaching in.

Note: this is god tier bait, take notes for the future - almost as good as the guy who went over his wife to talk to her boss

That was god tier. This doesn’t compare to that imo.

Can you link that other one?

Thanks boss!

Link it homo. I need my drama fix to make the shakes go away.



Thanks, this is indeed at the highest level.

the replies are so hilariously pathetic lmfao

YTA. It’s just a dorky and immature thing to do too. If you’re not personally interested in sex and masturbation, that’s your personal choice but it doesn’t mean you really have the room to make fun of people who are, especially when your only ammunition is just that she does like to masturbate. That’s just lame, and you knew it was private and a mistake that would embarrass her but you did it anyway. I know you’re still a kid but you should know better or at least not want to be so lame.


That might cost her not only her job but all of her career. She might not be able to work as a teacher in the entire state. Years of studying.

Owning a dildo is not a problem.

Definitely, YTA

totally not a problem but also the end of her career, lol what

She's almost certainly going to lose her job, and it's a very real possibility she's never going to teach again. OP's joke could literally ruin this women's career.

She left a sex toy out in view in her classroom.... She chose the location of the broadcast. She's got some responsibility here too.

Which is what? If you have a certain job and your camera falls and someone gets a glimpse of your personal life you should be fired? That’s remedial logic

not her fault btw, YTA thats remedial logic.

YTA. nice slut shaming. she's in her own home.

good morning

OP is nearly now TA in my eyes for not doubling down and owning it like a chad. He’s simping out lol

Who just leaves dildos lying around? I have a special case for mine.

Your asshole?

Apparently foids.

Thanks for posting actual drama

I gotchu - there’s an infestation of MDEfugees and faggots reposting shitty unfunny memes.

Need to get back to the basics of finding good shit for radical centrists to laugh at.

Where do you usually dig up the best drama? I’d do the same effort but I’m not usually available to be digging it up on Plebbit

The queen of butthurt u\things_make_sad has tried to direct trancel pedos on AHS after you, specifically shemaleslammer.

Report these pedos for harassment

It’s a cool feeling to be famous!

Do harassment reports go right to the admins?

Shut the fuck up. Chances are you will never have to face issues related to abuse or racism (assuming you’re white) and because of that it will always be something you can “joke” about, because it will never seriously affect you. Maybe if you actually knew what it felt like to be secondary or othered because of your race, or if you were traumatized from domestic violence or knew someone who was, you’d know why this makes the people actually affected by that uncomfortable. This meme could trigger flashbacks and other trauma for an abuse victim and ruin their entire day, possibly their entire fucking week or even more, and they’d have to deal with that because some edgelord thought it would be a funny meme format.


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So does anybody have a link to the dildo teacher meme or is this as much bullshit as it smells of

Everyone saying yta had no friends in school


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Fucking Reddit pedos