W*man surprised that a male gender studies minor is not an ally.

1  2020-05-25 by throwawayaccount_34


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Good, nice post to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


  1. W*man surprised that a male gender ... - archive.org, archive.today

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What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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A true ally speaks to women in a language they understand

Yes, the clapping sound of a wet towel on skin.

She's that one in the group.

Jsyk, 7 shots of most spririts is the equivalent of 3 beers lmao

So he forced her to Drink?


Based? Based on what?

Deez nutz

Note how it was not the "rapist" who said that she could not keep her legs open.

My bet is that they had normal drunk sex, and his friends thinks it is hilarious to tease him by claiming she could not keep her legs open because she was so drunk.

lmao, she had 7 shots over a whole nights. This is not much at all. This is the equivalent of four small bottles of beer. This is not even a lot for a small woman. Maybe if she drinks it within 1hour. But over a whole night, I would consider this moderate drinking. Just enough to be a little drunk. Sure not drunk enough to pass out during sex.

This is the equivalent of four small bottles of beer

lol where can I get beer this strong?

Look above the pisswater shelf.

This holiday just got a whole lot better

Every craft IPA/hipster beer is like 8-12% these days.

It helps that a bottle of beer is easily 15 times bigger than a shot.

Here is the calculation: One shot is about 0.02 liters. 7 shots is therefore 0.140 liters. Typically, hard drinks are about 40% alc. So these 0.140 liters of 40% alcohol are the same as 1.4 liter of 4% alcohol. 4% is close to piss water beer, btw. So you just need 4 times 0.350 liter of beer for the same amount of alcohol.

TIL a shot is bigger in the US than in Germany


But over a whole night, I would consider this moderate drinking

Also not sure what you mean by a "whole night," but the CDC sets the benchmark for binge drinking around 4-5 drinks over 2 hours (though really it depends on BAC). https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/binge-drinking.htm

A whole night is more than 2 hours to me. I would say at least 4 hours. Maybe 5 or 6.

What do they think the purpose of getting drunk with the opposite sex is?

Talking about social grievances, duh!

if i drink alone am i gay?

How else do you cope with being gay?

not drink alone then im not gay

I don’t know exactly why I’m posting this here, but it’s probably due to my anxiety surrounding the situation. I know that what I did was right, and I have no regrets, but it sucks to have to lose a friend group by deciding I don’t want to be friends with a Rapist.

Several of my friends recently told me, that one of our friends is a Rapist. The information was delivered with a flippant remark, apparently seeking to make comedy out of a tragedy. The Rapist fed a 4’11 tall 90lb girl seven shots throughout the course of the night and escorted her back to a friends house. The Rapist lost his virginity by raping a woman. The aforementioned joke all centered on the Rapist’s question, “Is it normal that she couldn’t keep her legs open?” No, no it’s not. If she’s unconscious, whether for the entirety of the crime, or waking in and out of a nightmare, it is rape. If she is drunk, she cannot consent. This is what I said as my male friends laughed uncomfortably, waiting for the punchline of a joke that was not coming.

“Did you tell him it was rape?” I asked my friend, a man I previously dated for 3 years. A man I thought was an ally.

“I told him it was wrong.”

Wrong is running a red light, cheating on a test, lying to your parents. Rape is rape. Wrong does not begin to encompass the evil of rape.

I left group chats and snaps, choosing my morality over my desire to please others. I’m not a martyr or hero, the decision came as easily as my repulsion. Refusing to be friends with a rapist is the barest of human decency.

“Why did you leave the group.” A male friend messages.

“I don’t want to associate with a group that tacitly supports a rapist by staying quiet.” I respond.

“You know that’s not the case, but is that all that makes you wanna leave? I wouldn’t stop you for making a decision based on what you think, but i’d also miss talking to u when we’re all together n stuff, and i guess wanna make sure that ur doin ok outside of that?” His message burned fire in my veins.

Of course there must be something else wrong with me, my reaction must be clouded by volatile emotions. Are you sure you want to die on this hill? You’ll lose your friends. I’d miss you, but I’d choose being friends with a rapist over being friends with you.

That’s not rape, that’s a mistake, I can hear his hollow arguments echo in my empty mind. This was a man I was close with, a man who is a gender studies minor. But practicing allyship proves complex when the rapist is not a name or a hashtag, but your friend.

The women in my friend group are “proud of me.” They “support my decision.” They told The Rapist, “What you did was wrong, and serious.” Between shots of vodka and pulls of a blunt. Quite the court was held I’m sure. The Snapchat stories of rolled back eyes and giggling would be the ideal environment to confront a rapist. A rapist you drink with. A rapist you smoke with. A rapist you’ve shown will have no consequences for his actions. But after all, if your friends always want to get fucked up together, they don’t actually love you. They love the space you create in the room while they chase pleasure. Taking the oxygen into your lungs makes their suffocation slightly better.

If you read this far: thank you. Thank you for listening to a story I wish I didn’t have to tell.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot.

I hate college kids who use the term “ally” like if people who don’t like or agree with you aren’t worthy of your respect or kindness.

It’s a divisive word choice meant to force the question “can we use you as you political fodder or are you the enemy?”

Imagine being part of a community who’s recruitment is based solely on tricking people through clever language and making them feel guilty

Why does everyone on that sub always seem to have been raped or know someone who was raped, and nobody ever believes them or sides with them? If not rape, then some other horrific assault is done to them, and everybody sides with the assailant.

Why does everyone on that sub always seem to have been raped or know someone who was raped

If they include "drinking a beer before having sex", it is very easy to know someone who was raped.

Amazing. How did you find this?

Saw it linked in Other Discussions

If only she would've went to STEM instead.