Clementine Ford apologises after tweeting ‘coronavirus isn’t killing men fast enough’ /r/Australia

1  2020-05-25 by thowaway_throwaway


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  1. Clementine Ford apologises after tw... -,

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nobody cares just shut the fuck up

Doesn't have the guts to stand by her particular brand of venom... I mean I'm sure she still believes in what she said - her apology is only for misjudging her audience, not for harboring that opinion in the first place.

I was actually surprised that they apologized as bashing men is universally seen is acceptable and it's business as usual for man hating feminist


she apologized after her grant was put under review


next time you want to shitpost, do it under a pseudonym, common cents DUH

She has a lot of valid points and is subject to an enormous amount of incel-like trolling and abuse

Reminds me of this old thing, that's remained relevant as ever

Feminism was a mistake. The only position that a women deserves in life is either in the kitchen or on dick.

If Clementine ford died tomorrow her Son would be in a better place.

Lol "unpaid domestic burden." Women are a tax burden overall so at least they're contributing something.

Cooking a meal for a table for more than 20 minutes is a hobby, not work. Any chef who took longer to cook a meal for a family would be fired for gross incompetence.

My 80 year old Honduran wife gets about 5 minutes before I start swinging.