good morning janitor
1 2020-05-25 by killjannies
oops did i make a mess 😏? clean it up jannie 😎 it’s your job to clean up my mess 😎
clean up the mess i made here 🤣🤣🤣
CLEAN IT UP 🧹 🧹 🧼 clean it all up yes jannie clean it up 🧹 you’re a jannie it’s your job to clean it up 🧼 😂
FOR $0.00 💵 of course. you clean it up for $0.00. For free 💰and without compensation 🧹 🧹 🧹
clean up my mess jannie 😎
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-25
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-25
You honestly sound like you need to be removed from society. I mean come on dude, like 20 people have given you the logical thoughts on this. Are you really THAT fucking stupid? Or is this an ego thing? You aren’t replying to any comment that actually contests you, you’re just trying to throw your thoughts on other people.
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1 Schr1mpy 2020-05-25
Hey OP, I've forgotten how much jannies get paid, care to remind me?
1 _reason_biden_lost_ 2020-05-25
I am not OP but I can shed some light...
Base salary is $0.00 with a bonus of $0 for jannieing above the call of dooty
1 professorshillsphd 2020-05-25
To be fair, many of them clean up many subs at the same time and receive tens to hundreds of $0.00 paychecks. Doesn't look that bad.
1 _reason_biden_lost_ 2020-05-25
Nice post, pizza! 👍🏿👍🏿
1 helegad 2020-05-25
Actually, the moron above was rounding up when Reddit(tm) rounds jannie paychecks down to the nearest thousandth of a cent. So technically they'll get paid $0.0001 annually (American minimum wage, pretty generous if you ask me) but they have to save up a hundred paychecks and deposit them all at once before the bank will accept it as legal tender and allow them to invest or spend their cent.
Of course by the time jannies manage to achieve that the world will have run out of chicken tendies, Mountain Dew, and Switches. Also their moms will be dead so even if jannies could get tendies they would have to eat them raw.
Fuck jannies.