Chad gives foid stranger a kiss on live TV. Incels and femcels seethe and cry sexual assault. “Yeah, he’s so hot,” she says, laughing.

1  2020-05-25 by Jannieseatdoodoo


So many foids seething that they’ll never be spontaneously kissed on tv. The state of those twitter replies 😂

Have you noticed that they're all fatties 🤢

They really should calm down all that stress aint good for the blood pressure.

swoon 🤩

Lmao twitter bluechecks need to be gulaged.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Chad gives foid stranger a kiss on ... -,*

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Of fucking course

If fat women on the internet say you shouldn't have consented, that's rape.

Content warning: The story contains a video clip that shows kiss that appears to be initiated without consent.