Which one will you feed, Deuxtard?

1  2020-05-26 by companyfry


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The wolf on the right is DMing foids for feet pics

Google big foot get 2 billion results

The red pill is great at its core. The evolutionary psychology theories about women being attracted to status, alpha fucks/beta buxx, etc. Obviously not perfect, but a lot of truth to it.

The problem is that dumb normies took over the sub. Now its a bunch of low IQ gym bros and wanna be PUAs. People on there cant go two paragraphs without mentioning their workout.

Every sub turns to shit once normies take over. The red pill is just another victim of that.

You just posted cringe bro

Sorry that Im not so retarded that i think looks are the only factor regarding sexual/romantic interest.

The truth is somewhere in between red and black pill ideology. But the red pill sub has become normie and most of the stuff on there is garbage now.

I mean I visited the sub once like 5 years ago and instantly ascertained that it was a bunch of losers why are you writing a dissertation when no one even asked

I mean I visited the sub once like 5 years ago and instantly ascertained that it was a bunch of losers

So you know very little about it but youre certain that its nothing but a bunch of losers? So much so that youre making memes about it? You sound like AHS and IT.

why are you writing a dissertation when no one even asked

I wrote a short comment about why TRP wasnt what you think, and a short reply to your comment about it being cringe, and that means I wrote a dissertation? Lmao

So you know very little about it but you’re certain that it’s nothing but a bunch of losers



Its basic human biology that women and men will care for looks, for the partner they are reproducing with. It indicated a persons survivability and fertility. But not all people want to reproduce, and a large amount of people care deeply about the character of their partner-it depends on the person, their knowledge , principles and biology. Is this basic knowledge somewhat controversial in the usa/europe?



Wrong redpill idiot

If you needed to take a "redpill" to figure out that women like money then you might actually be a retard.

If you think thats what the redpill is, you might actually be a retard.

You gotta change your flair bro, I can't take you seriously if I don't know how much you can lift.

Why does the redpilled one look retarded🤔🤔🤔

You know why, and it's based.

what is?

Take the retardpilled


Guess where the red pill goes 😏

It looks like doge 3

Porque no los dos

I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. Which one will you feed, Deuxtard? - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Mashallah, robojannie speaks the word of the heavens. W*men are not humans.

How is this a bot It's smarter than me

Marx was a little tranz boi uwu

Oh dios mío basado

¿Hola? ¿basado departamento?

Sustantivo antes que adjetivo, inculto. Departamento basado.

lo siento, no puedo hablar español así de bien

No pasa nada bro :)


Name checks out, and agree! Wolf dt ftw <<<33