Based Prof btfos whiny students asking for higher grades. Trigger warning: R-slur usage

1  2020-05-26 by Sennappen


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Very based, this professor should be exempted from the Ivory Tower culling.

Can't let that happen he teaches a (((science))) whose book burning is going to be mandatory

There is no way one person can be this based

King shit.

"Disgusted to read these emails sent by a LUMS professor to his students.

Irony is, he teaches Psychology.

Despite being a proud LUMS alumna, I shall never be one who lets her affiliations make her biased. What’s wrong is wrong. This is absolutely unacceptable. "

posted by @Shanzaf

media in tweet: , ,

Yes those emails vere unprofessional and inappropriate, but vat about professors in India? Vhy don't you ever talk about Indian professors and how badly they behave? Who is paying you to post this?


U are an Indian propagandist poster. Does ur mother get fucked 10 times at weekly RSS meetings chutiya? This did not happen, and even if it did happen the professor is an agent of India to make Pakistan look bad. Fuck u.

I am Pakistani but okay


Shut the fuck up you paki/n slur

Be gone poo

“Learning capacity of a retarded flea”

Dude sounds like a memritv aficionado. Shame he chose to teach a larping science. Sounds like he has had it with whining students.

So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the dick show subreddit when I dislike Dick (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.


  1. Based Prof btfos whiny students ask... -,

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new one?

From Pakistan and funnily enough, I personally knew this girl some years ago. Good egg generally.

LUMS is the biggest faggot school in Pakistan, 99% of guys who graduate from there think it makes them special, then the same days send their kids there and teach there. The complaining kids have probably never been spoken to like this in their life and it shatters their fragile egos.

"B-b-but sir I should have 16/18!"

"Shut the fuck up."

Lums is UC Berkeley + Yale (in terms of sjwness) with 24x the entitlement

Biggest chutia college = LUMS

Biggest chutia school = Aitchison

I have friends from both so it's not everyone, but they also relate the same too.

What a king, imagine studying psychology

I love this guy

He’s a psych prof, the amount of downright retarded psych students I’ve met nears 100%. I’d probably snap in his position too.

but muh safe space

God I fucking hate soft science profs. Yeah, just give me a failing grade on an assignment even though I completely met all requirements for it, because I didn’t do some stupid microscopic thing you either mentioned once in some lecture or straight up never said. I deserved to fail because I didn’t read your stupid little tenured peanut brain.

Half the time they’ll drop points just because they don’t like your beliefs, even if you have a solid argument.