Polish gamers rise up. Twittercels want Poland 👏🏿cancelled👏🏿

1  2020-05-26 by FukinSukinCukin


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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based polacks counterprotest some alphabet-people event, shit gets rowdy; epic gamer moment

all WHITE men too

its poland lmfao...

Amerimutts literally can't comprehend a town/country being overwhelmingly white lmao

foids bringing their babies to protests

Fucking disgusting, mom should be executed and her child put up for adoption. Around the 45s mark you see a bit go off right next to the kid what a fucking disgrace. Degenerate faggot journo with his megacam comes right up to photograph it too. Burn the faggots to the ground.


Funniest part is when the camera pans from the BMI of 30 Angry white dudes who look like they could fuck anyone up to the stick thin 5’6 rainbow flag waving twinks

Where did this happen? I did not see a single guy who I would consider a strong masculine man.

That's pretty fucked up

Yeah globohomo is pretty darn relentless. My prayers are with the polish rn ngl.

Agreed troons and their enablers have been an absolute disaster to the human race

What the fuck was that mother thinking bringing her baby in a stroller to a parade and counterprotest like that?

Idiot should have been gone the second things started getting rowdy.

I thought the same. Imagine bringing a child to a bunch of rightoids on the verge of stomping faggots lmao

Yeah. Just stay at home and let the streets to the gays and the guys who want to fuck the gays but are scared or somehow hate the gays, but in either way care way to much about the gays.

Edomite barbarian savages

I do not get homophobia.

Are they scared of gays? Or do they hate them? Or is it true that secretly, they actually want to fuck them?

It all makes no sense. Why even caring about this? Imagine it is weekend, you can do whatever you want, and you choose to countrer protests fags. Like, wtf? Just don't put your dick in the bussy. It is so easy. Just walk away. How is homophobia even real? Like, are they actually scared of them? Just walk away, the gays won't get you. And if you hate them, why do you want to be close to them and let them live in your head RENT FREE!

lmao, it is the weekend. Just have sex with your wife. Or your body pillow. Don't care.

But it is nice drama at least.

I want to fuck Blaire White, does this make me a faggot?

I do not care.

It makes you a fucking idiot. At least fuck contra, she’s actually attractive.

i wish i could downvote you more than once

any tranny



You're a faggot if you wouldn't fuck Blaire. You would be a faggot if you respected Blaire though.

It's not necessarily about gays themselves, it's about pride parades.

Even if you are a virtuous, God-fearing, moral sodomite why wouldn't you take your time to throw stones at these filthy degenerates who shamelessly walk around in flimsy clothes, flaunt their hairy asses and fuck each other in public? What's next? Your same-sex husband will run away with one of these disgusting godless whores? Is this what Jesus Christ created homosexuals for? No and no.


Even if you are a virtuous, God-fearing, moral sodomite why wouldn't you take your time to throw stones at these filthy degenerates who shamelessly walk around in flimsy clothes, flaunt their hairy asses and fuck each other in public?

I mean you could just walk away like any normal non-degenerate person who does not want to be part of this shit show.

Also, nothing of this happened in this video.

yeah i bet arachnophobes secretly want to fuck spiders

This is the point. Do arachnophobes run into a dark cage full of spiders to tell them how much they are scared of them?

No. They act consistent. Homophobes are not.

this is how it usually goes when they try to push this bullshit on eastern europoors

most don't really give a shit about what you stick where but these autistic marches are more likely to get some kurwas to stop your ass instead of accept your degeneracy kek

It's always the shit hole countries that are the most reactionary KEKW.

Rightoid chimpout

Not a true chimpout until they burn down the city as well 😎🕯️

"please, educate people on what's happening in poland. "

posted by @rmnvhill

media in tweet: None

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Polish gamers rise up. Twittercels ... - archive.org, archive.today

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