Better days

1  2020-05-26 by Qappers_the_goat


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>Call someone a faggot

>"I thought that in this day and age we wouldn't have to deal with homophobia my grandfather was a leather daddy in the 50s and he had AIDS and that's ok and multiculturalism is great and I love black cock and... Etc

>You have been banned fro r/whatever please suck our dicks to come back

It went down the shitter around 2012. That year was when a majority of Americans finally owned smart phones, and it lowered the barrier of entry for minorities and women to access the internet.

I remember back in like 2007 I used to use YouTube and play flash games a lot. Back then even in 2007, the Internet was overwhelmingly White, male, American, and English speaking. I never ever saw a girl anywhere ever, they just didn’t exist on the Internet back then. And the people using it were mostly teenagers who weren’t indoctrinated by left-wing propaganda of the 2010’s yet.

I miss that time of the Internet.

I want to go back goddamn it. 😭😭😭

this is it chief. mobile phones opened the floodgates to undesirables. the you know whats joined and that was that.

old aol chat rooms would be labeled as far right nazi hate groups now.

early internet really was a ton of fun.

I discovered Mossad Did 9/11 on YouTube, it was a 5 stars video

Because people at 2006, teenagers of that time (and adults) weren't brainwashed by sjw propaganda. hell, SJWism didn't even exist & everybody was based af back then, they were transparent, fun, and say whatever they want and if they get banned from a forum or chat room they just move along. But now everybody is sensitive mfs with 20 genders

Of course it existed, not sure how much on the internet though.

What? You can still watch the classics on Newgrounds.

Check it out!

But does anyone remember that one video? I think it was circa 2007? I think it was called the grifter. I think my memory or it must be repressed or something, because all i can really remember if that it fucked me up for a few days. I had to take a break from the internet after that, and that’s really saying something because i grew up with BME pain olympics and best gore and the like, and none of that can even hold a candle to it.

Don't talk about that here.

Sorry bro, i was just wondering if anyone else knew what’s up with it. I haven’t seen it since that day.

You mean this shitty creepypasta?

Between 2005 and 2010 I stated posting on a messageboard. I had a Hitler think different pick as my signature. I had a KKK is my anti drug as my icon. I had multiple racial slurs under my name. No one cared. I went back to that board a couple years ago and got banned for saying cuck because it was a racist word.

I like this new doge format very much.


True, I was banned from twitter for calling some Toronto moosefucker a retard

lol newground stickman fighting videos is my favourite, and calling people faggots ofc.

Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Better days -,

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nobody watched liveleak in 06

it was all about ogrish and rotten back in the day


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fuggg :DDDD


I've moved on to BestGore


Something Awful was my bag back then

I miss the goons

Cliff Yablonski still hates me to this day.

All the SRS nonsense on reddit into SRDines/etc stems from the SA forums though.

It is not at all the same, like reddit's r/4chan vs actual 4chan/8chan/whatever-chan

Yeah you're right.

Yeah but r/4chan is becoming like /pol/ unironically (but still much tamer now) because Jannier remove any content they deem "redditry" so people just make /pol/ posts now 90% of the time which is why r/greentext is getting bigger.

It wasn't always that way. For the first couple years of the 21st century SA was the big nexus of internet "culture" and it didn't suck. But gradually SA became infected with the e-leftroon disease and the entire site became absolute dogshit due to jannie drama and wokescold retards. As we now know tr00n drama is like ice-nine to overly online communities. Even if you try to ignore or fight back against the troid/jannie/wokeleft symptoms the entire e-community inevitably undergoes a permanent cultural transformation, usually for the worse.

You are far less likely to stumble upon racism/sexism/CP/gore/etc on the internet today than back in the 00s. And yet, I feel like the Internet has lost its innocence.

They even killed FYAD the cunts

You are far less likely to stumble upon racism/sexism/CP/gore/etc on the internet today than back in the 00s

Yes and no, fb is flooded with CP and gore, and the racism/sexism back there was more ironic but after leftards went insane in the membrane and started cancelling everybody doing that they pissed off enough people that now its not being done ironically anymore

You are far less likely to stumble upon racism/sexism/CP/gore/etc on the internet today than back in the 00s. And yet, I feel like the Internet has lost its innocence.

Depends on if you mean literal or not. Online racism in 2000 was 14 year olds saying nigger and drawing swastikas in ms paint because they thought it would make some old people drop their monacles into their champaign. Online racism today is explicit hatred of another race, usually signed off by a multi billion dollar social media corporation as long as it flows the right direction. CP has been replaced with grooming children to join the narcissistic death cult, gore has been replaced with increasingly degenerate fetishes.

Sexism I'll agree with. 20 years ago if you were a white knight you were considered pathetic scum.

Online racism in 2000 was 14 year olds saying nigger and drawing swastikas in ms paint because they thought it would make some old people drop their monacles into their champaign.

To be fair, there was still a lot of the real stuff too.

Hate sites like Stormfront have been around since at least 1996 and were popular/well-known enough that the internet already had a stereotype of being full of weirdos and extremists by the late 90s. There was even a King of the Hill episode about this in 1998 (Traffic Jam, S2E16): Bobby sees a black comedian (Chris Rock) make racial jokes, gets inspired, goes online and accidentally ends up on a white nationalist website while trying to find jokes (that he later performs in front of a black audience, to great offense).

Online racism in 2000 was 14 year olds saying nigger and drawing swastikas in ms paint because they thought it would make some old people drop their monacles into their champaign. Online racism today is explicit hatred of another race, usually signed off by a multi billion dollar social media corporation as long as it flows the right direction.

Ah you're talking about anti-whit racism eh?

It's not like those edgeteens have become or intermingled with real neonazis on /pol/ etc., this eventually turned into the altright and accptance of racist views (by whites on darkies that is) has grown rather than shrunk eh?

CP has been replaced with grooming children to join the narcissistic death cult,

Oh and Epstein too btw

gore has been replaced with increasingly degenerate fetishes.

If you're talking about pron, no that's the category of tge exploitation and slasher giallo movies etc. - real liveleak gore hasn't been replaced by that, no.

You're sounding very suspicious I must saaaaaay - may I see your passport please?

It's not like those edgeteens have become or intermingled with real neonazis on /pol/ etc., this eventually turned into the altright and accptance of racist views (by whites on darkies that is) has grown rather than shrunk eh?

Seen here: skyrocketing white on black murder rates, as one would expect to see with a nazi epidemic

Disclaimer: I can't tell whether or not you're doing a character because of my tragic dance dance revolution accident, but either way this chart produces drama so it stays

I know the crime rates, that doesn't mean neonazism hasn't increased - can I see your dance dance revolution passport please.

It's the centralization of what was once a decentralized platform that really gets me. It's far too top-down when the internet should be almost completely horizontal.

The other nostalgic thing of course is that the internet was far more separated from real life back in the 90s / 00s.

Most of the original push for SRS was an attack to shit up reddit after the reddit guild in EVE Online betrayed the SA guild.

I still miss’s Boners section

not mentioning stileproject

Absolutely harem

big-boys (Which is now owned by Smosh , apparently) and nothing toxic. Rotten was amazing, though. I miss the old days of the internet.

Ahhh, my daily goatse and rickroll, life is good.

Pour one out for intricate Flash games

Territory War Online helped start my journey to become a master tactician.

Where my alien hominid bros at

thing thing gang gang

absolutely kino taste

Raid Gaza

those were the fuckin days


Treasure of Cutlass Reef!


The 2020 side existed in 2006 but they were all on SA.

South America?

Saudi Arabia?

Maybe GWB isn't the worst president in American history? He's certainly one of the worst, but let's not exaggerate.


Simpler days my friend.

You used to be able to set up a teleporter in TF2 so someone would get teleported directly into seeing a spray of gore or goatse or something and now some games don't even have voice chat what went wrong.

Fun fact, every spray you’ve ever seen (or even been in the same server with) is permanently saved in your game files. So if you played a lot of TF2 you might unknowingly be hiding an extensive collection of furry porn.

Yes, unknowingly

Power hungry deermen

All those gif sprays

Pretty sure you can still do that in TF2.

On community servers yea

Man, I've been loving this new Le silly doggie meme.

it will end up like the "boomer go brrrrr" and the wojak meme

Wojak is still a useful blank slate imo

Its cheems

Back in the day you either grew a thick skin or you just dilated

Having thick skin makes dilation harder.

These pussies existed back in 06 just as much as they do now tho 🤔

Back then we were legally allowed to kill them to death by repeatedly saying the nigger word at them though


Less noticeable.

The Internet was a much better place when it was a bunch of nerdy edgy niggas with their own inside jokes and communities.

Yeah. Normal fags ruin everything.

I mean it still is kind of in some places. Just not as prevalent.

Newgrounds was the shit. Shout out to Tomorrow’s Nobodies.

You could download pron anf music on Kazaa and shit post on your friend MySpace

Those were the time

It flipped in 2016

The emergence of smart phone killed the old internet. Before it was just a bunch of terminally online edgy needs shitposting..that's not the case anymore.

I wonder if you could make a website really shitty and unuseful on a smartphone but still have a good PC experience

Ask the creators of Lastpass

The internet definitely peaked in 2006

I just discover porn in newgrounds!

The internet was pretty fucking retarded in ‘06, but children didn’t notice this.

I remember finding hamtaro porn on newgrounds as a kid

Man I used to watch hamtaro each morning before running to the bus stop in 5th grade

Such good times

I saw one where Laura had a dick.

Anarchy for the web. Nothing more and nothing less. I didn't escape the reality of 2007 for it to came back in 2015

man the colors are pissing me off bc if they were flipped ez politicalcompassmeme embedded into the joke

people are calling it the 'r-word' now, when did that happen


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New grounds was my entire summer 2005

This is why tiktok is fun. Everybody gets bullied in the comments. Yeah sure there's not alot of nigger posting but at least it's better than r*ddit and the rest of cringe social media.

2006 was near the end of that age

Fucking social media ruined everything

2006 was the year liveleak was made