Fellow Deuxchads, i am the great ape behind the creation of r/monkeywave which has recently been banned, AMA.

1  2020-05-26 by rackit101


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Is there somewhere I can get more monkeywave memes I found them too late

You should appeal the ban, they autoban every new sub now

i don't even know how to do thata

Send it through r/reddit.com modmail

I like 2 things: monke 🦍🦍🦍 and monye $$$

Whats monye ?

That which chapos don't have💰💴💵💶💷💸💳💲💹😎😎😎

The Kanye of monke

monye balls

Back when I was in my 20s, I had a Little Mermaid backpack. Wore it everywhere. Why? Because I really like the Little Mermaid, it was a good backpack, and it let me know immediately which guys were insecure idiots.

If I was on public transport and I saw a guy smirking at my backpack, I was never bothered. I knew that if the two of us were dropped in the bush with nothing, I’d most likely be the one walking out alive. I didn’t need to prove anything to them, and they’d already proved they weren’t worth my time.


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What was that place?

A metaironic subreddit that's supposed to parody fashwave and primitivism by editing right wing traditionalist rhetoric onto pictures of monkeys

after reading this your flair definitely unironically checks out

Cringe seethe cope dilate have sex


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stay mad

I will

uhh... did anyone say cope yet

500% cope


Why monky go ban?

Because stoopid hoomans is monkeyphobic OOOH OOH AAH AAH

Smh racist hoomans

I might start a new sub called r/MonkeyRiseUp

We still have r/ape

Holy based

Damn apists

Probably get banned withing 5 minutes for being a GRU evasion sub.

It's GRU + monkey, of course AHScels gonna piss their pants if they don't ban it in 2 minutes

Are you monke yourself or another LARPer? (pics or fake) 🤔

im mediterannean I am the monkeyist there is

Are you fucking kidding me they banned the god damn monkey meme

It’s like when someone says something negative about bankers and they say “wow that’s so antisemitic” in their mind monkeys = black people even if it’s just dumb monke memeing

I just am an ape banker enthusiast please let me post in peace

I was quite puzzled when i discovered that an entire sub was dedicated to my glory of having many accounts on reddit. They were accusing me to be a nazi because i said that after living in the middle east i think muzzies are quite retarted. In their mind i was insulting arabs in general and not muzzies. They overthink everything. Quite funny but its in french unfortunatly

6,000,000. Yay or nay?

Reports of 6 million before the end of the war is one of the biggest red pills.

I have a dozen photo copies I keep on me and pass them out at the bar

I'm a history major myself, can you dm me the gore ones for raid attempts academic reasons

Gore? I'll PM you what I've seen. If its true, its damning.

Someone on reddit once 'debunked' it or denied it, but you can see for yourself. ,

That's wonderful to hear. The more damning the merrier. Go ahead friend

Thanks fam

It may have happened but six million ? Come on really ?

You seem like a rational thinker, i will take your word for granted. What is your approximate Jewish casualties?

Eh we can't really be sure considering both sides are not trust worthy

is it coming back? i saved most of the pics there

Chancess are if it did come back it'll get banned quicker than before But if you wanna remake the sub yourself go for it

Post them please

Can I get a imgur link pls?

this should be most of them i wasnt there when it was banned

You ain't black

Im monkey

Why do you keep calling chimpanzees monkeys? Chimpanzees don't have tails: they're apes, like humans.


Seethe cope dilate have sex

Post gibbons

speak for yourself ol chimp ass nigga


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Don't make me brachiate my way over there

When is r/apewave gonna be a thing?

Can we start posting monkeywave on r/ape? It’s not even brigading or breaking any rules

seems kinda racist

NTA Play stupid games win stupid prizes

I can't tell who you're saying is NTA, or playing the stupid game.

Life is a soup And i'm fucking retarded


bro monke why do they not lik monke?

No one cares

:( That's mean man why you gotta say that

🚨 Opinion Alert 🚨

I care. I hope you feel fine OP. Idk if you know this but you can create infinite subs. Keep on monkeing

You seem to be a nice shitposter, and we may need a man of your talents at r/BasedDepartement

Yea sure why not

Wasn't that sub already banned?

oooo ahhh ooh ahh oo oeee aahh ohh?

can i be monke but with big penis??

The hood lost a real one today 😩😩😩