Mutts defend holy right to cut off baby genitals

1  2020-05-26 by genericaccount1363


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Lmao @ the amount seething from burgers when you tell them there's no reason to cut baby dicks

Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.


  1. Mutts defend holy right to cut off ... -,*

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That one bitch is seething when confronted with the realization she had her infants genitals snipped based off of their preferences. Goys got got.

But then you will starve (((them))) 😠

Imagine having dick cheese

Imagine not washing your dick.

I'm circumsized and i still have to wash it after using bathroom.

without foreskins how will Ginsburg continue to live

Yeah, it’s bizarre but why are you so against it? There is consent as they are a baby so the adult gives consent for them.

So now you're a pedophile apologist. Wow.

Wait what how tf did you get there? Twisting words like a bitch with no actual point. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to children. I’m talking about people allowing a small surgery to be performed on their child. Is allowing the tube thing after pregnancy to get cut pedophilia? You can make argument about why circumsion is wrong but don’t be stupid like you are being.

It’s absolutely hilarious reading something like that because clearly you’re so fucking dumb that you can’t make any decent argument.

Pedophilia is fucked and I hate hate hate that you brought it up. This isn’t any kind of a time/place to bring that up. That’s fucked and you’re an asshole for even thinking it. Holy shit go away.

Lmao direct hit. Target is showing massive levels of both cope and seethe.

Lmao the brainlet didn't even understand you used his own logic against him