Post wall g*ssy is absolutely coping when family asks basic questions

1  2020-05-26 by Tycoronachan


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Jesus, this person is asking "Why are people trying to make me feel bad about being single in my thirties" but what they really want is "Please make me feel better for being single in my thirties, I need validation". Sad.

Femcels are single at 30 and it's not a big deal at all, not at all, so much so that here are words words words words words about it

literally announcing intent to just cope instead of going back in time to not be a loser in the first place in the very first line of the post

aaahahahaha it's already over for her

Think of yourself as a highly prized and admired unicorn.


Unicorns aren't usually full of rotten eggs


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. Post wall g*ssy is absolutely copin... -,

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Jeez, just look at the post history. Serial dater, got knocked up by a chad and aborted it. Now whining she’s single and will never have a kid... ☺️☺️


/mademesmile /upliftingnews /twoxchromosomes /sinkpissers

Man I piss in my sink (sometimes, for a treat) cause I have manlet toilet that's like 2ft off the ground and I don't want to have to become the second coming of Chris Kyle im the dark at 2 in the morning just to get it in the bowl when there's a perfectly waste height sink right next to me.

based convenienceposter

YAASSS kween slay! πŸ’…πŸ’…πŸ’„πŸΈπŸ·

good morning

it's levels of cope I didn't even know were possible