I hate this guy so much. He plays on the same parts of the mind that Johny Johny and Finger family videos do but targets Millenials instead. Kind of fucked up that these mind tricks work on whole ass adults :/ really says alot about the MDE kiddos if you think about it

1  2020-05-26 by vant4


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Is he some shit tier prince of Zimbabwe clone?

Yes. And prince of Zimbabwe was himself a shit tier Bizonacci clone.

He sold? Pump eet

bizonacci please come back...

Wojak was always annoying as fuck to me

All of this was started by some loser spamming 30 year old boomer on 4chan for weeks. Then it went on from there.

Idk, I like some of the spinoffs like norf FC, brainlet wojaks, etc. but the whole “doomer/coomer/cumbrain/chad/tradwife” shit is just so lame. I miss when people actually put the slightest amount of effort into image board memes instead of just using them like ideological rage comics

an infrared-homing MDEfugee (but instead of infrared it's shitpost potentially exploitable to agendapost with) like myself couldn't help but check this channel out, hoping to find something actually based under all the wannabe Bizonacci bullshit, but no. it's terrible zero effort content. i hate this dude and now a whole bunch of lightrightoids are going to think they're based and knowledgeable of all the epci super sikrit 4chin meemoes. for the first time in my life, the single braincell i use to guide where i head towards while surfing the net has failed me. all the other braincells i use to tedpost or schizopost, or both.

This is why we need gatekeeping and ID checks I'm so fucking tired of getting lectured online by 15 y/o faux catholics who put the agenda before the funny

It’s like the coomer meme: started out funny and light hearted but then der ewige christcuck got his hands on it and took it way too seriously and turned it into lame shit like r/cleanlivingkings. PTA schoolmom mentality.

all 4chink memes r inevitably unfunny after they leave the site thats why no one thinks wojaks are funny anymore but bury pink gril has been alive on s4s for 10 years

"Adults "

No direction and it talks about meaningless garbage posts on reddit. This sub is like something beneath reddit, eating whatever shit falls out of its ass. Pathetic and cringe. End your existence, all of you.


  1. I hate this guy so much. He plays o... - archive.org, archive.today

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